Now, I wanted to make this blog-post for the simple fact of helping aspiring writers watch great people read/review Creepypastas themselves as well as give some advice to those who have been told or felt as if their creations were not good enough to be Creepypastas.
YouTubers I Recommend and Why[]
HoodoHoodlumsRevenge - This YouTuber has been famous for his Creepypasta reading, both the good and bad, whilst reviewing horror films/shows of his choosing. He was also the prime source of me returning to the Creepypasta franchise after I began to watch the majority of his bad Creepypasta reading videos. If you are in any need of assistance to find out the common issues with Creepypasta writing, this is definitely the YouTuber you can turn to for a quick critieria check behind what should be expected of any character/plot. (Definitely not being biased, sorry if it seems that way).
CreepsMcPasta - This YouTuber has been famous for his Creepypasta narration of many online horror stories, even going so far as to create many compilations that are hours long just for you, the viewers, to listen to as you attempt to craft your own ideas. If you wish to find more ideas with a pleasant narrator to guide you down this dark path, this recommendation shouldn't go unnoticed.
blameitonjorge - Despite the obvious statement arriving from reading the title of this channel (as to those who have already seen the videos towards the channel itself), this creator is not directly linked into Creepypastas themselves, but rather disturbing characters from TV shows, myths and legends as well as the odd mystery solving videos. Well, even if this creator doesn't have a link to Creepypastas directly, some if not many of the disturbing urban legends that the narrator(s) have discussed are indeed linked into the franchise itself. If you need to find more subtle clues into lost episodes and creepy characters of lost films/TV shows.
Horror Games I Recommend and Why[]
(Oculus Rift) Hello Puppets! (Cost is £14.99) - With the excitement that slowly began to dissolve from this recently made game, I highly recommend viewing game-play and/or playing the game for yourself to get a new experience of horror and tragedy as you play as "The Host", an unfortunate person who trembled into a forgotten and seemingly abandoned studio dedicated to a ruined puppet show. With the assistance of a rogue puppet known as Scout (who you pick out at the beginning), you must venture through the studio and encounter mangled beings of fabric and flesh to escape the facility safely.
(Steam) Pacify (Cost is £3.99) - Made by the creators of Emily Wants To Play, Pacify places the player(s) in a seemingly disregarded mansion of some sort rumored to contain evil within it. This is where you and (if you are playing multiplayer mode) your team enter the home to try and lay the disturbed soul of a young girl to rest whilst avoiding danger itself to earn your pay as paranormal-activity helpers.
(Oculus Rift) Face Your Fears (Free to Play) - Face Your Fears is a single-player experience that exposes you to terrifying scenes based on common fears and phobias, including clowns, demonic presences, and disturbing visuals that rely on you (the player)...well, facing your fears. If you are in-need for a good scare where you cannot escape your nightmares, I highly recommend viewing this game anytime soon.
Writing Failures Are Steps Made Towards A Ladder Of Success[]
Whilst many of you may be sitting down after a long-day of writing up a decent Creepypasta in your eyes, only for it to be shunned and hated by all that view it. Now, does that mean it's the end of your writing days forever, like there is nothing you can do to improve? Well, of course not! At least, if it is your first draft.
All writers experience a few harsh reviews of their creations, and all these writers still have a chance to change their approach to the franchise by proving they just need time and effort to advance in their skills of literature. But why do some writers choose to just give up? To continue on knowing that their effort is still not good enough for people to take them seriously? There's not much that can be said for their creations wanting redemption, as it seems they fail to understand that sometimes the harshest words contain the most honesty.
But you have to remember that with every first draft, it's what makes a first impression for you as a writer. It has to be your responsibility to place yourself in the reader's/viewer's perspective and imagine what kind of character you will be displaying for them, and if it's some type of flawless character that lacks much details behind why they're so tragic and perfect? You know for a fact many of the serious people (like myself) wouldn't enjoy it but those who like to read a good few Jokepastas might appreciate a few flaws or two.