Creepypasta Files Wikia
Creepypasta Files Wikia

The number of fan creations being made is quite concerning for, of course, multiple reasons. The creations are quite irritating to fix and repeat my commentary on them as it always seems to be the same mistakes made. Of course, this rant is being made for my complete experience on the website and I wish never to directly attack nor use a Creepypasta for the rant hence why only the reasons are on this rant, not the Creepypastas.

The type of Creepypastas I (now) despise:

  • Jokepastas/"Crappypastas" - This aren't the same as Creepypastas obviously but, their once funny humour is now nothing but annoying blocks of text filled with obnoxious spelling/grammar mistakes that even my OCD cannot refuse to fix every. Single. Time! Honestly, some of them becoming less entertaining to read and are increasingly being a pain to mark for deletion.
  • OCs - These were quite common on the site and still are but, as this is a rant, there is a clear line for the good OCs (e.g Rouge, Wilson The Basher, Jake Forge, etc). However, the bad OCs usually have the general cliché backstory (bullying to the stereotypical good girl/boy who did nothing wrong, instantly becoming powerful just after they perish or when fighting their bullies which increases the bloodlust and the whole 'My OC is friends with almost all the Creepypastas when Slenderman took them back to the mansion'). This has been seen numerous times when the character has been too flawed, even the creator gave up attempting to improve it.
  • Including Famous Creepypastas - Now, this was and still is an issue occurring in most OCs. However, there are very clear rules about not including famous Creepypastas like the choosing to create a spin-off/ripoff, making an OC their friend/partner in time or lover and making the OC powerful enough to surpass them. I wish original Creepypastas gave people real inspiration rather than an excuse for lazy story-writing and poor page layout for their OCs. And, despite the clear Page Guidelines and Marked For Deletion category, people refuse to acknowledge their clear errors when writing.

Well, this is really all I can state about the issues with the Creepypastas made yet, I feel like this issue should be brought up. The issues usually occur with the OCs the most nevertheless, however, I felt relieved writing this blog as these situations are becoming quite tedious towards the wiki's reputation as well as the Creepypastas Files Wiki member of staff (the bureaucrats, the administrators and the content moderators).

Thank you for reading about my rant and, if you wish, you can response to the reasons mentioned within the post and I'd happily reply to them as fast as I can.