[Edit - My new charger has arrived and it is working perfectly again!]
Due to a certain issue concerning the state of my laptop (a broken charger) my attendance may seem lacking for a while but, please, bare with me. I have ordered a new one but, I don't know when it might arrive (I assume it may take just a few days). For now, I like to still contribute to the wiki but, for a couple of days, due to family business while being on my summer holidays, I would just like to inform people both in/out of the Creepypasta Files Wiki Staff about the sudden drop(s) in my contributions to the wiki (due to me having to use a sibling-shared laptop instead for now).
I will ensure the problem is quickly resolved and return back to my usual schedule of attending to the wiki. Thank you for your patience with me and I hope you can forgive me for this terrible inconvenience.