Creepypasta Files Wikia
Creepypasta Files Wikia

Agent Kansas632 Agent Kansas632 10 December 2019

I must go

Sorry to say this, but I am stepping down as a content moderator. My work is very tiring and I've barely had the time to be on the wiki at all. And to be honest, when I'm done with my work I'm too tired after to be on the wiki at all. I'm also slowly drifting away from the creepypasta fandom due to other things. Sorry if this makes anyone unhappy, I did think long and hard about this and I made this decision based off my recent inactivity and other things on the wiki. I hope whoever succeeds me does a much better job than I have done and proves they deserve their place. I am thankful for all you people have done for me and i wish i could do more to help others. But this is where i say goodbye. I wish this wiki the best of luck

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Agent Kansas632 Agent Kansas632 23 May 2019

Happy to help

Hello, whoever has come onto my profile. I am someone who is happy to deliver feedback and suggest edits. I may not be a staff member, but I am always happy to help anyone who wants my help. My main mission here is to make sure everyone has a chance to show off their characters in the best way possible. If I am unable to help in any way, attached are links to some admin pages who are happy to help you out

AnimeGirl45  (one of the best people you will ever meet) Evita128 (A gentle but firm person) CriticizerHere (Great at reviews) GhostClick (plain awesome, and a great editor)

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