Creepypasta Files Wikia

Ulifer will keep you all from harm sweet children. Forever and always...
~ Ulifer

Ulifer is a notorious myth within the Myth Hunting community and is regarded as a "Dangerous Myth" due to his past incidents with supposed IP Grabbing. He lures children to his game "paradise" and brings them to his game, asylum. He proceeds to track them. Rumors have it that numerous people have disappeared because of this user.

Ulifer is also well known for being the third Shadelight key myth hunters are currently stuck on.

One of the most notable that have fallen vulnerable to his supposed IP Grabbing was Enszo, a popular myth hunter, after they were both in-game and Ulifer asked Enszo if he lived in France, which was correct. However, this is widely believed to have had been public information at the time and it was also shown on Enszo's Skype account at the time.


Ulifer dawns Steampunk attire along with a hood covering his head. He has grey skin and a long nose.


His character is said to be really short-tempered and can change his mood very quickly, when he is alone in games he tends to talk to himself. This all shows how mentally unstable he is.

Some of these alleged reports of him stalking certain players date even back to 2011, these accounts never been heard or seen of again. He refers to every Myth Hunter as his children, several of his so-called children have fell victim to him.


He is extremely hostile to and targets children under the age of 16. He is very mysterious, as he always speaks in cryptic language. He mostly talks to people like they are a part of a poem or a song. His manipulative, "friendly", and intelligent behavior can easily lure and leave hunters in confusion.

He is also interested in the arts. He is a very protective and determined person when tracking down a new "friend". Ulifer also is quiet around myth hunters. He toys with them and kills them in his game. He is also very cunning and greedy, only wanting to seek new prey whenever he wants to but gets angered quickly when he doesn't get what he wants or needs.

Ulifer's actions mostly speak for themselves, when he slowly approaches a new victim, manipulates hunters or a child, or lures them somewhere, most of his movements are unpredictable as well.


  • Has connections to many myth hunters such as; mrflimflamKazdam, etc.
  • Ulifer is supposedly able to IP trace users when they go to his game "Asylum" which is said to be a game made specifically to grab your IP.
  • In order to find his key, the hunters must sacrifice someone.