The Protagonist is an unnamed character of a Creepypasta story known as "An Egg". Originally an unnamed human being who discovers themself to be everyone within their own universe.
The Protagonist got into an accident which ends up meeting God in the afterlife, God then reveals to them that they are actually the embodiment of every beings that had ever walked the Earth, they were literally everybody in their previous life, they were Hitler and all the peoples whom he murders, Jesus, and all his worshippers including his murderer, The Protagonist was even Abraham Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth as well.
Powers and Abilities:[]
As God of the "An Egg" Creepypasta universe, the Protagonist was told that one day, they will transcend into becoming the new god of the universe, which, implies that the Protagonist would have apparent Omnipotence over their universe. Which similar to other almighty beings, they can defy the laws of physics without limits.
The protagonist's appearance is unknown.
Because God has claimed them to be everyone that was ever brought into existence, The Protagonist transcends the concepts of personalities, morality and actions. They have all kinds of personalities that every humans was ever born with or had in their existence. Thus, they are both good, neutral, evil, whilst have no personalities.
- An Egg is a Canon Creepypasta created by a user on the Creepypasta Wiki Fandom named Andy Weir.
- An Egg is not a scary Creepypasta story and is also the first Creepypasta story to have ever been accepted in the Creepypasta Fandom as not being a Horror genre.