Creepypasta Files Wikia

This information is to cover certain issues that have occurred in terms of the origins of some stories previously uploaded to the site. Appreciation from the Creepypasta Wiki for providing these details on their own site.

Stories/Characters Under Another Domain Name

As of April 2022, this wiki no longer accepts stories/characters uploaded by persons other than their original authors without express, provable permission from their original authors.

Basically, if you want to post someone else's story/character to this wiki, you must both credit the original author AND obtain permission from the author before posting it. We've suffered from copyright violations and edit-farming cases due to these incidents where users have viewed creations from close friends/family before merely copying/pasting their content to take credit for the creation or place onto the site for their own selfish benefit of providing a Creepypasta in general. If the author has internet access and is aware of the site, please inform them to do so on their own accord next time.

Furthermore, you must summarily offer proof of said permission via a discussion with a member of staff first. We recommend providing a link to this evidence if possible or a screenshot in DMs/emails with said creator. This must include evidence that you have explained that posting the author's work will release it under a CC-BY-SA license and that the author is okay with this.

In most cases, we will still attempt to contact the author in question for confirmation. It is advised to offer possible contacts for the creator to the member of staff if needs be. If you are found to have been lying about obtaining permission to post the story or fail to provide any evidence supporting these actions, you will be subject to a ban depending on the severity of the case.

Stories/Characters Translated From Another Language

Any stories of your own that you post to this wiki must be primarily in the English language (as the most prominent language spoken here is English). Parts of your story, such as dialogue, may be in foreign languages however.

You may post historic public domain non-English stories or poetry, but you must provide an English translation of the text, either of your own making or from a credible source. If you are unable to render a translation yourself, you must arrange for a translation from a trusted member of the wiki before posting the text.

Additionally, if the story/character is not your own or historic public domain material, you must also follow the above steps of obtaining and verifying author permission before posting it. Keep in mind that if there is a language barrier preventing the admins from being able to fully verify author permission, your request to post the piece will be denied.

Any foreign language stories must still meet the wiki's quality standards after translation (see Page Guidelines for a better explanation).
