Creepypasta Files Wikia
Stitch Face1

Hello. My name is Zackary Stone. I am the one they call Stitch Face.

Here is my story…

This story begins in the year 2012. The month was April, I was playing outside with my two younger sisters, Sarah and Aria. Sarah and Aria were both 7 years old, Aria being the older twin by just over a minute. As the eldest of the three kids, I took care of my sisters while Mom and Dad worked in the afternoons. All three of us were home-schooled, since we had a hard time working in large groups. Not to mention, the closest school was at least 1,000 miles away from our house. That’s what happens to when you live in a small forest with only three neighboring houses. Well, I use the term “neighboring houses” loosely as all the houses are at least a few miles apart from each other.

Anyways, to get back to the story…

We were playing at the playground located at the top of a small hill behind our house. Mom and Dad were both at work and I was taking care of my younger sisters.

I played on the swing while Sarah and Aria played on the merry-go-round.

At some point, I had zoned out while playing on the swing. I only regained my focus after hearing a sickening “BAM!” coming from the direction of the merry-go-round, then Sarah’s crying following it.

Jumping off the swing, I ran across the playground to where my sisters had been playing.

“What happened!? Are you two alright!?” I yelled as I ran over to see what was going on.

As I neared the merry-go-round, I first saw Sarah balling her eyes out at one end of the merry-go-round. My eyes trailed to the other end of the merry-go-round to see Aria’s condition next.

Suddenly, I froze, standing a few feet away from the merry-go-round. My mouth slightly ajar and my eyes wide.

There, on the other end of the merry-go-round, I saw Aria laying on the wood-chip mulch, seeming unconscious. There was blood, a lot of it. It was coming from her forehead, dripping onto the mulch and staining it red.

I was able to snap out of my trance and finish running the last few feet.

“SARAH! WHAT HAPPENED!?” I yelled. Not in an aggressive tone though, I was panicked is all.

”A-Aria- *sniff* fell off of t-the merry-go-round! *hic* S-She hit her head- *sniff* on t-the metal handles! *hic* I-I don’t know how it happened, Zack!” Sarah tried to explain through her crying and sniffling.

I took a quick deep breath to try and calm myself as much as possible. I didn’t want snap at Sarah again in my panic.

“Ok, go inside the house. I want you to stay inside and sit on the couch until I say otherwise. Ok, Sarah?”

I was trying to hold back tears now, I didn’t want Sarah to see any more of the bloody mess than she already has.

Sarah nodded and immediately ran down the hill to the back door of the house.

I reached into my pocket for the phone Mom and Dad had given me to use in case of an emergency. I dialed 911 and put the phone on speaker.

As the phone rang, I kneeled down next to Aria and tried to locate an open wound where the blood could have been coming out of.

I was only 10 years old but I had remembered seeing firefighters and police on TV cover up a wound in order to stop blood coming out.

It wasn’t very long before I heard the voice of a 911 dispatcher over the phone.

“911, what‘s your emergency?”

I quickly explained the situation to the operator. They told me to wait with Aria and stay on the phone with them until the police and ambulance arrived.

About 20 minutes later, I heard the sirens approaching. The ambulance took Aria to the hospital and the police stayed to question me and Sarah. At some point or another, Mom and Dad were called home and were questioned by the police too.

To be honest, I don’t remember much of what happened during or after the ambulance and police had arrived at the scene. It’s all a blur.

Although… There is one thing I remember extremely vividly to this very day:

I remember seeing a really tall man. Upon closer inspection, it looked less like a man and more like some sort of creature. One thing’s for sure though: Whatever “it” was, it was not human.

It wore a black business suit and a necktie. I think the necktie was black, or maybe it was red. I can’t remember which. It’s limbs were abnormally long. It had no face. I mean, it had a head but there were no existing facial features. It’s head resembled the head of a mannequin. You know, the ones that actually have heads but the heads have no face, no hair, sometimes no ears either? Yeah, that was basically what it looked like. The color of it’s bare skin(?) was completely white, like it had taken a dip in a pool of bleach.

Whether it was a “man” or a “creature”, the point is I saw it appear in the corner of my eye just after Sarah had left the area.

It stood on the outskirts of the forest located to the left of the playground, which stretched far beyond what I call my “neighborhood”.

This “slender man” just stood there on the outskirts of the forest, about 20-30 feet away. Seeming to be “watching” me, if a creature with no eyes could see that is. It never left that spot the entire time I was waiting at the park for the ambulance and police to arrive.

It was only after I heard the sirens of the ambulance and police did I see it leave. It practically vanished into thin air, disappearing even though I was looking directly at it, only looking away for a split second in the direction of the sirens.

I didn’t say anything about this to the 911 dispatcher, to any of the police that questioned me, to my parents, or to my sisters. In fact, I didn’t say a single thing about it to anyone at all.

And honestly? I’m glad I didn’t tell anyone about it… But I’ll let the reason for why that is remain a mystery.

Continuing with the story…

Aria stayed in the hospital for about three months. When she got home after finally being released, Sarah wouldn’t stop crying for several hours and refused to leave Aria’s side for the remainder of the day. It was obvious that she was glad to have Aria back home and know she was ok, everyone was.

It took a couple months before things had basically gone back to normal. And when it did, Mom and Dad went back to working in the afternoons and I continued to stay home with my sisters. This time however, Mom and Dad had alternating shifts throughout the week, so one of them could stay home and watch us while the other was at work.

Despite everything going back to normal, I felt… off. Something felt numb inside. I didn’t know why or where it came from.

The feeling went away after I heard that snapping sound in my head though. The day I heard that sound, I killed my entire family.

After killing them, I noticed their faces were all frozen in this terrified expression. They weren’t smiling.

now understand the snappi

ng sound I heard that day too… It’s simple: I had snapped.

I had killed my entire family. After killing them, I noticed their faces were frozen in a terrified expression, they had frowns on thei

r faces. I stitched Mom and Dad’s mouths into a smile. I even stitched Susan’s mouth into one.

Though, when I looked over at Aria, she was the only one who had a smile on her face. She had been smiling while I was killing her too.

I found a sewing needle and some red thread on my mom’s desk. I grabbed it and threaded the needle, then began to sew my mom’s, my dad’s, and Sarah’s mouths into smiles. I didn’t have to sew Aria’s face into a smile.

Despite my lack of sanity, I still loved my family. I still do. I never hated them, they never gave me a reason to hate them either.

Mom cared a lot about me and my sisters, of course she was normally a pretty serious person and she was really strict with the three of us, but that’s what made her a good parent. Dad loved us too and was just as good of a parent as Mom was. He was also strict like Mom but he was a generally funny person. Even when he was mad or being serious, he was still pretty funny despite that. Sarah and Aria had quite a few arguments, likely due to being the same age, but they both loved each other very much and got along most of the time. Sarah was an adventurous child and she also was pretty reckless. She was annoying at times but most siblings are. Aria was generally quite calm but she was also playful and friendly, she was mostly quiet but could be pretty loud at times.

I didn’t feel bad about killing them, and even now I still don’t feel bad about it. I don’t regret it in the slightest.

Even so, I thought about how Mom always tried to punish me and my sisters fairly by trying to make the punishments she gave us equal to whatever bad thing we had done.

So, I decided to punish myself. I stitched my own mouth into a smile, like I did to my parents and Sarah. I told myself I was never allowed take the stitches out, not even to change them out for cleaner stitches. And to this very day, my mouth remains stitched into a permanent smile.

Word eventually got out about how I killed my family. No one, not even the police, could find a motive. Nor could anyone figure out what caused me to lose my sanity.

It’s because there was no motive… No reason…

I killed many others after that. I stitched their mouths into smiles and left their corpses behind. The police knew my identity and knew what I looked like, it was just a matter of catching me.

I was 17 years old when I was finally killed by a police officer. As I was leaving the house of a family I had just finished with, I was shot three times by a police officer who happened to be passing by and had incredible aim.

Shot once in my left shoulder…

Shot again in my left kidney…

Then finally, shot one last time directly through my heart…

Yep, that was the day that I died.

I’m still here though. As a ghost, I continue my work.

I will continue to kill every family I find that has a caring father, a loving mother, two little girls filled with child-like glee, and a protective older brother…

I’ll kill all families that remind me of my own. But not out of jealousy or anything like that. I only continue to do this for one reason, which is that:

I always finish what I start…

This is no exception…

“Some people just snap without reason…”

- Stitch Face

[This is an original Creepypasta by: SnowLily123]
