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Elouise Rose Wilson, more commonly known as Nurse Elouise, is the main protagonist of Nurse Elouise (Soon to be uploaded). Elouise used to live with her grandfather and father in England before tragedy struck. Just a few months after Elouise turned 12, her father had died in a car accident after she asked him to go buy ingredients for something. This caused her grandpa to spiral out of control. Shortly after her father passed, they moved to first Canada, then the United States to leave the past behind. She was manipulated and tortured by her grandfather everyday till eventually one day, he killed her while she was on her way home from the hospital she volunteered at. That's when she lost it. She poisoned him that same night.


Elouise Wilson has always been cheerful. Even though she grew up without a mother or any siblings, she never complained. She always found the good in things! Elouise, her father and grandfather were very close. That was until one day, she asked her father to go buy ingredients for a cake. Her father and her had a weekly baking night together but they were unfortunate enough to be missing a few ingredients. Her father, Oliver, agreed and said he'd be back in 20 minutes, then proceeded to rush out the door. Elouise and her grandfather started to become anxious when her father hadn't arrived back home yet,. It had already been 3 hours. After waiting another long 2 hours, her grandfather got a call, stating that her father had been in a fatal accident. When she asked if her father was okay, her grandfather snapped because he believed that it was Elouise's fault that his son had died. Her grandfather eventually rushed out of the room, still in shock. Ever since that day, Elouise knew she wanted to save peoples lives. SHE wanted to be the reason families still had their beloved relatives and friends still with them.

Her grandfather wanted nothing to do with anything that reminded him of his son. They left England as soon as they could. They eventually went to the United States. All Elouise had that reminded her of her father was a small, slightly destroyed photograph, which she kept out of grandpa's sight at all times. Everything was great until one day, they went hunting. Her grandpa spotted an abandoned wooden shed. He had a whole plan stirring up in his brain. A plan to make life miserable for her. A punishment for taking his son away from him.

They were no longer staying in a dirty motel. They now lived in an abandoned shed. Very soon after, her grandpa started his cruel ways of punishing. He started manipulating and abusing her. He made her believe that it really was her fault that her own father had passed away. She eventually developed a few mental issues and concerns from the manipulation and torture. This made the teachers at school concerned, but she always refused to talk about why she was so tired and quiet. People called her "Ms. Stone Face" at school, because she never smiled or showed much emotion other than anger. She was extremely antisocial. That intimidated many people which caused them to stay away from her. She didn't mind. She'd rather not have friends. That would probably distract her from her studies.

There was this one kid though. Her name was Aleigh Parkinson. But for some reason, she made Elouise's blood boil. Something happened at school once, and ever since, Elouise hated her. Aleigh had nothing against her. But Elouise was naturally a cold person after her father's death and had a hard time trusting and forgiving.

Despite all of this, she somehow kept motivated to do well in school. She couldn't let her crappy home life get in the way of helping people. It got to the point where one day, her dream came true! At the age of 18, nearing 19, she was allowed to volunteer at the hospital. She worked there every day of the week. It kept her away from home and she loved that. She spent most of her time in the children's department. She had a connection with kids, and the kids seemed to have a connection to her. She felt a lot of sympathy towards children, considering her childhood was a load of shit. She wanted them to have a good childhood. One that she lost.

Elouise was rushing home from the hospital, when she noticed a car following her. Strange. She kept walking back to the shed, thinking the car would lose her. In the car, was her grandfather. Her grandfather and a knife. When they were in the middle of the woods, he bolted out of the car he stole and tackled Elouise to the ground, brutally stabbing her to death. He left her dead body there, and kept walking to the shed.

Elouise woke up and looked around. Her body ached. But instead of feeling small and useless, she had a burning anger in her. She was done with her grandfather's bullshit. It was his turn to suffer. His turn to be the one screaming. Elouise grabbed a few poisonous flowers and started sprinting to the shed. She peeked in and saw a small cup sitting on the table. She slowly creeped in and sprinkled a few petals in the drink, then proceeded to hide behind the couch. It took 5 minutes before her grandfather came in, and sat in front of the coffee. He took a sip, and started choking. He was quickly turning blue, and vomiting up all the contents from his stomach. Elouise skipped to him and smiled. "It's your turn to suffer." She grabbed a knife from the counter and stabbed him in the chest, immediately killing him. She smiled at his lifeless body, then skipped out.


Elouise used to be very cheery and bright. Always smiled. After her father's passing, she became cold. She was extremely antisocial and despised it when anyone talked to her. She also really only cared about herself and enjoyed having control. She regained her smile back after she got her revenge, but she still takes a while to open up to people. Her cheerfulness around children never left though. She always has a smile around kids.


Elouise is fairly pale. Her hair is strawberry blonde and pretty wavy and thick. Half of it is put up in a ponytail while the other half stays down. She has quite a bit of blood remaining on half of her face. She also wears the flower she used to murder her grandpa as an eyepatch. Her eye isn't damaged in any way. She wears a pink uniform, pink stockings, and a pink nurses cap. It's kind of funny considering she kind of dislikes the color pink. She was just unfortunate enough to end up dying in that color uniform. She wears white Mary Janes and has dull blue eyes.

Powers and Abilities[]

Due to spending many of her days at a hospital, she has the knowledge that any normal nurse or doctor would have, making it possible for her to help herself if anything were to happen. As a young child, her father often taught her how to use firearms in case of emergency. After her father passed, she'd sometimes get bored and practice again. Now she's a little too good with them. She's very fast and strong. She's also highly intelligent sometimes, and very manipulative, along with being a great liar.


  • Nurse Elouise was created by R0xypAsta
  • Her creators Instagram is r0xypasta
  • Elouise's mom died when Elle was approximately 6. She passed due to suicide.
  • Elouise is a lesbian.
  • She has depression, PTSD, and anxiety.
  • Elouise is typically great with children
  • She was born on December 4th 1994
  • She died on November 28th, 2014
  • She is currently canon friends with Dr. Bloodworker. (My friend's OC.)
  • She stands at 5'10
  • Her weaknesses are being manipulated, getting carried away when having control, and losing self control when it comes to being triggered.
  • She has glasses but absolutely hates them. She normally refuses to wear them.
  • She prefers guns over knives.
  • Her uniform was washed after her death, which is why it's not bloody from being stabbed to death. Under her uniform is where you can locate the wounds

