Melvin - or known as The Ghost of Melvin - is a supposed urban legend generated from Roblox when a young user referred to as "Melvin" began to visit the site. However - in 2008 - it was revealed that his absence from the site was caused by his premature death from cancer.
Despite the apparent popularity of the Creepypasta, there is no definite/consistent appearance for Melvin. Players might describe a "ghost-like" figure trapped within a random world, almost transparent and bright white. The signature feature to his attire would be a "hat" that was previously made by the official staff-members of Roblox shortly after hearing the news about his death. It is actually an accessory relating to hair repainted with a similar texture to Melvin's character model.
Before Death[]
When he was still attending the site, he was often quite social to others around him, partaking in several types of games and online chats with members. Still, despite his popularity, there's little confirmation to back up these claims nor his connection between the members of staff.
After Death[]
As legend goes, he became more aggressive, cold and sinister in nature. After partaking in Roblox for the majority of what time he had left, he is said to be trapped and isolated from being able to move on in the afterlife, forcing other players at random to join him both digitally or physically.
Melvin was originally occupying himself with Roblox games and chatting with members of the site. His user was labeled "Melvin" either due to that being his actual name or a nick-name he gave himself at the time. He was a popular player who joined Roblox in 2007. But - later in 2008 - he was diagnosed with cancer. Later that same year, he died.
Roblox created a hat in Melvin's honor. However, either by their choice or not, the item was unavailable, having been terminated by the staff just hours after its creation.
It is said that every year, on Melvin's last day, a random player will teleport to a different place than they wanted to join. The new place was a dark box, with the user floating somewhere in the same confines. Later, the game shuts down. If the player is quick enough to check their inventory, they will receive the Melvin hat before being banned from either the server or the site.
- A recreation of the legend's server described can be found here.
- Video "evidence" of the Melvin urban legend can be found here.
- There are stories relating to personal experiences with the spirit in other popular games such as "Natural Disaster Survival" or "Work at a Pizza Place".
- A user named "Twentyonedeer" could be the original creator for Melvin with other sub stories made as potential spinoffs. This is merely speculation however.
- From witnessing several adaptations, there's no confirmed age for the original user.