Creepypasta Files Wikia

PERSONAL (Note: Page still heavily WIP)[]

Real Name: Melissa Gray Kristen

Alias: Grey

Meaning To Name: Speaker Of Truth

Nicknames: Devout One, O’ Greatest, Gray

Age: 18

D.O.B: November 5th, 2004

Birthplace: an unidentified coven in Pennsylvania

Language: French, English

Current Residence: N/A, frequently travels.

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Human

Status: Active

Alliances: Members of her cult

Occupation: Cult Leader



  • N/A

Method Of Killing:

  • Indirectly, Melissa prefers to have her subordinates lay out elaborate traps or even do the killing for her, as she is not adept at hand-to-hand combat and her strengths lie in her ability to strategize
  • Capturing her victims and forcing them to undergo brutal rituals of initiation, when they are “rejected” they are instantly murdered

Goal/Reason To Kill:

  • Advancement of her cult’s agenda


[C]PHRASE:Let’s be friends.”

Theme Song(s):


  • Religious Research
  • Reading Books
  • Researching Strange Phenomena
  • Studying Forensic Science


  • Her Family
  • Praising her God
  • Tea
  • Reading
  • Psychologically Abusing others.
  • ‘Punishing “Sinners”


  • “Blasphemy”
  • Defilement
  • Harming her subordinates
  • Conflicting religions and “false gods”

Fear(s): Her beliefs being dangered.


  • Melissa wants the Gray’s religion to become mainstream, intending to accomplish this by showing the world the true powers of Gracëus.


  • Self-Righteous
  • Delusional
  • Calm
  • Calculating
  • Contemplative
  • Intelligent
  • Resourceful
  • Ruthless
  • Charismatic
  • Conniving
  • Glib
  • Convincing
  • Sangfroid
  • Aplomb

Description: Melissa is an unnervingly calm, and cool-headed individual. Who is almost always shown with a faint, sweet smile on her face.Being self-possessed even in extremely demanding and trying circumstances, she is ruthless, and has zero qualms when it comes to getting what she wants, and will step on, use, and discard anyone that tries to thwart her schemes.

She is incredibly grandiose, and believes herself to be incredibly special and that all others by default should bow down to her. Upon their refusal, she emotionlessly sends them to their deaths.

Despite her exemplar social intelligence, she is pathologically incapable of forming any attachments to others, except in extremely rare instances.


Melissa Gray Kristen was born into a small, dysfunctional village located in an unspecified location of the upper area of Pennsylvania. Named Boroughton, the area has become a area of interest, and has captivated numerous high-ranking officials of the FBI, and the area remains under heavy criticism and scrutiny, due to suspicions of human trafficking, and numerous violations of human rights by a group known as “The Gray Church”, who worship a mysterious deity that is allegedly an Angel in God’s pantheon named Gracėus

Melissa from the moment of her birth was already a genius, by all natural means. Surpassing her peers, and continuously surprising her seniors. The villagers consistently praised her for her genius, and by the age of 9, she had already bested the most educated, and erudite scholars in her community. However, despite her paragon intellect, she was fooled by the teachings of her people, and grew up believing the ways of her cult were for the greater good. Her mother especially deceived her, and exploited, and engineered her thought process to server their cult. The cult participated in human sacrifices on a regular basis, which further suppressed Melissa’s humanity.

By the time of her 10th birthday, an ability awoke within her known by the FBI & Associates as “The Sigil”, an extremely powerful psychic ability that allows users to be completely aware of the mental states of those around them, essentially making them extremely potent telepaths & thought-readers.

As a side-effect however, she would stop aging when she was 20 years old, due to unspecified supernatural means, and would be physically weakened, she would also become immortal, and possess a regenerative ability. Using her abilities, Melissa soon discovered the web of deceit sprawled over the community., by her mother specifically, as she realized that the majority of the cult’s resources were not being distributed, and the main members of the cult were using it for their own egotistical, self-possessed purposes.

By 11, Melissa began to surreptitiously sabotage the cults endeavours, in order to weaken the loyalty of the cult members and begin to question the figureheads beliefs and values. Particularly, her mother Kassandra Kristen, who was frightened at the prospect of losing absolute dominance and power over the cult.

Fearing an uprising, Kassandra began to silence members of the cult that were especially unruly, and began to cripple their influences, and later had them murdered, in order to prevent the spread of “sinful” beliefs. Their bodies were dumped into a deep hole, and their remains still remain there years later. This caused a ridge between Kassandra and Simon, Melissa’s father.

Simon, eventually realizing the prerequisites of his untimely death, took Melissa out of the Gray’s compound and the two went to a amusement park named 8 Stem in a developing community that would later be known as Fernville.

Kassandra also began to isolate the members of the cult from each other, in order to weed out where the source of the uprising was emerging from, and killed her husband, Simon, by setting rigging a gun with a capsule that caused the gun to rebound and explode in his face. Kassandra, Eventually tracing back the insidious sabotage back to her own daughter chose to punish her daughter, Melissa was held on trial, but using The Sigil, managed to figure out the trap everyone was setting for her, and planned to set up her own father to take the blame for all of her crimes, knowing that it would cause a power struggle.

When the falsification of his involvement was released, Melissa deceived the members of the cult into believing that Kassandra was using Simon as a scapegoat, and upon believing that she would betray her own husband to achieve her goals, was instantly persecuted.

The conflict grew, and Melissa purposefully angered the more unhinged, fanatical members of the cult into trying to murder her mother, but Kassandra was no fool, and managed to escape Melissa’s machinations. Melissa however, still accomplished her goal of creating a splinter group for her to personally rule over, and eventually it was created in the form of - “The Grays.” The cult soon began to fight against each other in a battle for the superior belief, resulting in the brutal murder and slaughter of hundreds of individuals. Melissa would then relocate her loyal followers and dedicated her life to the survival of her cult, in which she would brainwash numerous other individuals into joining.

Years later, when Melissa was 15, she began to notice that the cult was slowly losing the pivots of influence it had edged into society, and that resources were slowly dwindling. If they didn’t find a solution, the group would collapse, as well with the growing threat of government agencies possibly annexing their territory or performing a raid.

Melissa, curated a meticulous plan for the next 4 years, creating a plan to infiltrate an nearby, wealthy city filled with influential individuals, known as Fernville, a developing municipality that was ranked the wealthiest city in the USA. Through this, she would build a network of connections slowly over time, before eventually hoisting control of the city, where she would then influence the population and the world, and transform her cult into a mainstream religion.

The Gray Church (WIP)[]

When she was 19, Melissa left her compound, leaving behind the members of the cult, and brought along 2 members with her. Joy & Willow to infiltrate the city and brainwash as many individuals as possible into The Grays. She came across a duo of siblings. Eloise, and Matthew. Eloise’s father, Raymond Brown, was a very prominent, affluent individual due to his position as a state legislator. As the first part of her plan, Melissa decided that she would blackmail and eventually kidnap Raymond. Melissa, Joy, and Willow slowly begin to realize a mysterious man tracking their every move, suspecting him to be part of the FBI.

Eloise was part of a group of girls at her school who were only friends with her for her money. They actually secretly abhorred her. Eloisewas desperate to be friends with these girls, especially Teresa who was the ringleader. Teresa’s birthday was on the 7th of February, and Willow was determined to make her way to Teresa’s birthday party.

Melissa, after following them home, realized that the siblings were being horrifically abused by their alcoholic father at home. Taking advantage of their vulnerabilities in order to make them more submissive to the cult’s ambitions. Along with that, their drug addict aunt, Julie, covered up their fathers crimes in order to hold up the family’s reputation. Melissa noticed that their Aunt got her drug supply from a gang of delinquents, and in exchange she paid the, handsomely. These group of thugs were quite volatile. Additionally, ELoise had connections with the leader, Agnes, and helped her Aunt Julie get access to these drugs in the first place. In addition, Julie was trying her best to get Willow dependent on the drugs.

Melissa knew that Willow would visit the group on January the 25th, and took a picture of Willow dealing drugs with Agnes. At the same time, Joy and Eloise blackmail Raymond about his involvement in which he was involved in a money laundering scheme. Melissa then blackmails him through a burner phone, and eventually confronts him in person. Melissa blackmails him into allowing her to work as a housekeeper in order to get closer to Willow. She makes a good impression but Matthew feels that something is “off” about her personality.

Melissa sends the photo of Willow dealing drugs to Raymond and in a fury, he slaps her and calls her a disgrace, as well as prohibiting her from going to Teresa’s birthday party.

Later Joy and Willow track the mysterious man, named Andrew, and correct to their suspicions, he is part of an investigation. They question the man, and he reveals that a anonymous man with purple hair paid him $10,000 USD to pursue the group of girls. Joy & Eloise hack into his computer, and sent a email to his employees detailing his resignation, and how he will be moving to Eastern Europe. Joy and Eloise brutally stab him to death, and chop his body up, before driving to the ocean and tossing out his limbs in cloth bags, distributing them across the coast-line. A man with purple hair can be seen watching them from the distance.

Melissa then succeeds in her plot to distance Eloise from her friends, when she shows up to school the next day. Teresa angrily asks her if she thinks that Willow thinks she’s “too good” to be friends with them and asks Willow if she secretly hates them. This completely ruins her reputation, and lies start to circulate about Willow. Willow then considers committing. suicide, but Matthew stops her. He two then share an embrace. Matthew begins to suspect Melissa is behind these events, as she knows about things she possibly couldn’t know previously such as the fact that their bathroom window doesn’t lock all the way.

Melissa and her servants then kidnap Raymond, and use his phone to signal to his children that he will be going overseas as part of a political conference. Melissa, Joy, and Willow blackmail Raymond with proof of his money laundering and bribing other legislators in order to sway the creation of certain laws in the Chamber Of Congress, planning to use his influence as legislator to create an environment where Melissa’s cult can thrive freely. Raymond however calls their bluff, and says that there is no proof of his money laundering, despite it being real. Joy however reveals a camera that has recorded him practically confessing on camera.

Melissa coerces him into agreeing to three things. . 1.) He is to create a law that encourages the expression of religious pluralism and public ceremonies, as well as the unadulterated expression and distribution of religious materials. He is also to make it so that educational facilities teach children about religious beliefs as well as to incorporate these beliefs into their pedagogy. This bill would be called the “Integrative Religious Society Bill”

2.) He is to create a law that allows for unadulterated public expression of religion, as well the inducing of a “Religious Properties Of Expression” bill, which allows people of religious values to discriminate against individuals holding beliefs that do not directly align with their own beliefs. This would be through using Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that “as amended, prohibits covered employers from discriminating against individuals on the basis of their religion.” This would act as the skeleton for Melissa’s future schemes, and allow for future acting out against Gracëusism to be difficult to conduct. Additionally as PR, the law would be disguised under the guise of “Religious Pluralism”

3.) He is to hand over the password for ALL of his credit card accounts, and to set up arrangements to ensure that the money is not to be interpreted in any negative light once deposited into their accounts and not to be presented in an illegal light in the case of the money being investigated in an audit.

Fully blackmailed into submission, the gang hits a roadblock as Raymond brings to light the issue of finding a sponsor for the bill. Raymond claims that not many individuals would be interested in this bill, as some aspects of it will be prone to fall under heavy scrutiny as the need for a religious law to be passed is not necessary due to the first amendment encouraging religious plurality in the first place. He then calls Melissa an idiot.

Melissa however tells him that he should do as “he always does” and just bribe the more influential members of the Chamber Of Congress so that their subordinates will follow and proceed to vote in favour of his bill being passed. Raymond however be]rings up the logistics, but Melissa finally having lost her patience tells him that it is completely up to him and if he fails to pass at-least one of the bills, they will release proof of his Money Laundering online.

Raymind obliges, and Melissa receives the password for his account, which contains $78 Million dollars, which atleast 78% is of profits earned through the money-laundering scheme through cooperation with various retail moguls, and other corrupt legislators. Melissa releases Raymond and he goes straight home to his family.

Matthew wonders why his father had been lying, but chooses not to confront him. Raymond then has both of his bill accepted by a senator, and his bill is to be submitted to a committee who later discuss the “Religious Properties Of Expression” and the “Integrative Religious Society Bill”. Melissa however is displeased when the bill is held on review due to a more important bill regarding juvenile delinquents being reviewed instead.

Matthew asks his father as to why he lied about being overseas, Raymond indirectly tells him to not open the subject any further, and accidentally lets slip about visiting a certain person at the Congress Office. Using this clue, When Matthew exits the building, he sees Joy round the corner, noticing her as one of Melissa’s friends. He immediately confronts her, but Joy manages to stave off his suspicions by claiming she was just in the area. Matthew begins to suspect Melissa and Raymond have a more deeper connection than first suspected. Matthew also realizes that somebody opened their mail, which is unusual as Raymond usually opens his mail on the 3rd. Eloise hands Jolie some drugs, which includes fentanyl. Jolie berates Eloise for almost getting caught by a group

At dinner, Raymond and Melissa both leave, and Matthew follows them. He confirms the fact that the Melissa is the one who has been meeting up with his dad. At night at 12:00 AM when everyone is asleep, Matthew sneaks down and opens up the house computer. He searched up “Melissa Kristen” on google, but nothing shows up. Just then, Melissa can be seen sinisterly watching him from his closet. Jolie slut shames Eloise’s outfit, and calls her a worthless pig. Eloise begins to cry, and Jolie asks her when she’ll stop being so pathetic. Eloise tells Jolie she hates her, and Jolie threatens to make her niece’s life a living hell. She calls Eloise’s mom a “whore” and that she’s just a parasite who wants to leech off of her life. Jolie then tells her that her mother wanted to abort her because she was so ashamed of her. Eloise then cries in her room. When Jolie tells Raymond about Eloise’s attitude, he simply brushes it off, and walks into Eloise’s room to find his watch. Before leaving he asks why “she can’t be like her brother” and that all of this is completely her fault.

Raymond later meets up with Melissa, and tells her that he has done everything everything she has asked, and begs for her to get rid of the proof he has on her. Melissa laughs, and goes over to a shelf which has a large safe on it. Melissa wonders what’s inside of it, and asks Raymond for the code. Raymond claims that he “forgot” the code for the safe, but Melissa says that she’ll find out what the code is eventually. Before implying that there is a deeper secret he is hiding that she may or may not know about,

Raymond is now mortified, and plans to remove Melissa from his life through any means necessary. Meanwhile, Melissa, through deduction and reasoning is able to figure out the code for the safe. She smiles upon seeing the details, muttering “I knew it.”

Melissa initiates the endgame of her plan, and begins to manipulate Eloise. Eloise exclaims her wishes to see her mother again. Melissa asks Eloise if she wants to play a game with her. Melissa and Eloise sit down, and decide to play a game of “Red Card, White Card.” Melissa lays down a red card and a white card and asks Eloise to attribute a positive aspect of her life to the white card, and a negative attribute to the red card.

Melissa then asks a series of questions alternating from positive to negative in sequential order. (e.g: What makes you the most happy in life? - what are you most scared of?”) eventually, Melissa asks Willow who she wishes disappeared from her life. Willow let’s slip that’s eh wishes her drug addict aunt, Jolie would disappear from her life. Melissa smiles. Melissa then asks about her mother. Willow tells Melissa that she would do anything just to have one more day with her. Melissa then tells Willow that there is a way that she can see her mother again, and tells her the story of Gracëus. She then asks Eloise if she wants to join her for ice-cream and she obliges. Eloise, Joy, Willow, and Melissa all go out for ice-cream and lovebomb Eloise.

Eloise is skeptical at first, not believing Melissa, and claiming it is a "fairy-tale." But Melissa tells her that if she wants, come to her room tomorrow at 12:00 PM, and she'll allow her to meet her mother again. The next day, Melissa secretly crushes up Psilocybin, which is noticed by Matthew. She prepares a spiritual ceremony while Raymond is away at work. She asks Eloise to clip off one of her fingernails and a strand of hair, and place it on a golden tray.

Melissa then asks Eloise to smell a rose powder, which causes Eloise to experience a sense of "alleviation." She then tells Eloise to sip a syrup-like extract and tells Eloise to look into a mirror. Eloise tells Melissa she doesn't see anything, that is however Eloise starts to see her mother and begins to laugh and cry. Eloise talks to her mother about her suicide, and her mother tells Eloise it isn't her fault. However, Eloise begins to have a panic attack, and gets rushed to the hospital. The doctors find traces of Psilocybin in Eloise's bloodstream and concernedly have to bring her into custody.

Raymond force-feeds his daughter tomato juice in order to detox her system from the drugs, and forces her to dye her hair brown in order to get rid of any possible traces of drugs in her hair just in case they do drug tests. He calls Eloise a “disgrace” and a “disgusting pig” and that she is doing this on purpose to destroy her reputation. The police interrogate Eloise, and threaten to have her sent to jail for minor drug possession charges (due to her being a minor). Raymond bribes the two cops assigned to Eloise’s case with $700’000 USD each.

When they get home, Raymond tells Eloise that this is the last time she has disgraced his name and that she deserves punishment. Eloise begs, as Matthew gets in between her and Raymond. Raymond smacks Matthew. He goes to the kitchen and grabs a knife. He slashes the side of Willow’s neck which causes her to have a nervous breakdown and for her to run out into the rain. She runs into Melissa’ and she cries into her chest as the two sit down on a bench. Melissa then asks who she wants to disappear from her life. Eloise tells her that she wishes her aunt would disappear first. Melissa then gives Eloise a golden bowl with the same red liquid. She then points to a puddle and tells Eloise that her mother wants to speak to her again.

Eloise consumes the red liquid, and talks to her mother, hallucinating. Eloise then enters a dream-like state where she sees the breakfast she’s always wanted. She sees a bright yellow-yolk. She grabs a steak knife and jabs it into the yolk. Unbeknownst to her, she randomly ends up in Aunt Josie’s apartment, and she has hallucinated everything up to that point. She had actually stabbed Jolie in the eye. Jolie calls Eloise “a little whore” and begins to attack her. The two wrestle, and Eloise accidentally knocks Aunt Jolie off of the stairs. Her head cracks against the floor, and she dies. Melissa grabs a towel and places it under Jolie’s head in order to ensure that none of her blood is dripped in an unintended area.

Melissa tells Eloise that she “knows what to do” and all of a sudden, Eloise wakes up in her bed. Eloise is shocked, and believes that the whole encounter was a bad dream. However, Raymond goes into her room, and tells her that Aunt Jolie is dead. Eloise is shocked, and the next day, Raymond, Matthew and Eloise attend Jolie’s funeral. Eloise is now convinced that the religion of Gracëus is real, and tracks down Melissa on more information.

Melissa tells Eloise to join her in her mission to spread the truth of Gracëus to the world. Eloise obliges. Raymond Raymond tells Melissa that both of the bills have now been passed, and have now become laws. MeIissa blackmails Raymond into signing off his will onto Eloise, who he reluctantly agrees to do so, although he’d prefer for his will to be inherited by Matthew. Eloise begins to dissociate and sleep-walk. She begins to develop a split personality, which is similar to her mother. This personality is named “Joanna”.

Matthew decides to break into Melissa’s home, and go through her belongings. He goes into her closet, and sees a gigantic ritual filled with many spiritual charms. In horror he runs out, as Melissa is seen watching him from a distance. Eloise craves for more of the “fluids” Melissa had given to her, and develops an unhealthy Psilocybin addiction. With this, Melissa know moves onto the final part of her plan for the Brown Family.

At dinner, Melissa frames Matthew as the one who told her dad that she sold drugs, and as a result, Eloise’s relationship with her brother is destroyed.

Eloise slowly begins to become extremely dependent on the drugs that Melissa provides her, and as a result, it begins to completely destroy the relationship with her family members. Matthew goes to the police, and tells the cop working at the front desk that he would like to report a group of individuals harassing his family and suspects they are part of the cult. The cop turns him away at the door, telling him to stop “wasting his time” and chastises Matthew on the portly obtained evidence he procured, and how it was actually illegally obtained and therefore completely inapplicable in the legal system. The cop also goes over Melissa’s file and discovers she’s working for their family, and tells Matthew to just brush it off and “people can be assholes” and that Melissa was not breaking any laws.

As Matthew goes to leave, he turns the corner and is startled when Willow suddenly appears in front of him. Matthew asks her what she wants, and Willow tells him that his fate is now sealed, and that Gracëus will purge his impure soul. She touches the side of his neck and tells him that his time is coming. Matthew runs away, and goes home. He is planning to protect his family on his own. All of a sudden, a hand comes from behind, and he is knocked unconscious by a cloth filled with chloroform.

Melissa, Eloise, Willow, and Joy all engage in a prayer ceremony before the final phase of the plan is to be brought to fruition. Melissa had previously declared Raymond and Matthew to be “impure souls” and as a result they must be purged. Eloise however is reluctant at first, and begins to doubt Melissa. She talks to her mother in her sleep and begins to hallucinate about her. However, her mother tells her that she wishes she had aborted Matthew, and tells Eloise to finish the job she never got the chance to do. Eloise calls her mother a liar, and tells her to stop saying such things. This is Eloise’s final breaking point and she enters a state of severe psychological disrepair.

Melissa begins the final phase of her plan, and calls in Raymond to his house. He drives home and is knocked out with a hammer and dragged into a basement where he is tied up to a metal chair, alongside Matthew. Melissa looks to him as he wakes up, and tells him the truth of why she chose his family. Melissa tells him the main reason she chose his family after she came into Fernville was to manipulate his status as legislator to create an environment where the cult could thrive free of any ideological restraints.

Melissa continues that she was eventually planning on letting his family go, but upon realizing the “immeasurable potential” his daughter possessed, decided to brainwash his daughter into joining their cult to spread Gracëus’s message around the world. Raymond recoils in horror upon realizing what he has done, and begs for them to spare his son, and do whatever they want with Eloise. Melissa laughs upon hearing his complete apathy towards Eloise, and tells Raymond that she is aware of the truth behind her mother’s death. Melissa walks up toRaymond and whispers in his ear, out of Matthew’s earshot, and Raymond starts rattling, screaming and laughing in a deranged trance and promising to kill Melissa if he gets the chance.

All of a sudden, the door rings, and Melissa goes to answer. She opens the door and sees Raymond’s co-worker, Jerome. Jerome tells Melissa that Raymond forgot his portfolio at work and he came to return it. Melissa thanks him, and Jerome asks to come inside. Melissa tells him that Raymond is currently out running errands at the superstore, but this conflicts with what Raymond suggested last week, as they made plans to meet up at a bistro as a casual hang-out. Raymond and Matthew sense Jerome’s presence, but before he can scream out, Joy and Willow both wrap duct tape around their mouths. Jerome asks what that sound was, and Melissa tells him it was the laundry machine.

Melissa however manages to steer this away, and Jerome is convinced until he realizes a stain of blood on Melissa’s sleeve. He stares in shock and pieces together that something must’ve happened. Joy comes from behind and stabs him in the neck with a screw-driver, covering his mouth with a gloved hand, before dragging him inside. Melissa instructs Joy to cut Jerome’s fingers, and hands in ways to show that he was “struggling to defend himself before getting overpowered.”

As Joy comes back into the room where she kept Matthew and Raymond hostage and recoils in shock upon seeing that Raymond is missing. She goes up to Matthew and threatens to slit his throat if she doesn’t disclose his location. Raymond then comes from behind and tries to knock Eloise out with a frying pan, but Joy evades his attacks, and grabs a firepower whilst jabbing it into his inner thigh. Raymond screams, but he grabs Joy’s leg, which causes her to yelp out in pain. The two then wrestle for the firepoker, and Raymond eventually gets the upper hand. However, Joy kicks him into a mirror and she retreats to the kitchen where Raymond follows suit.

Raymond tries to impale Joy on the firepoker, but Joy side steps him, and slices his left wrist. Raymond screams out in pain. Eloise comes home, and is shocked by the amount of blood. She goes to find Matthew, tied up in a chair. Matthew tells Eloise the truth about Melissa, Eloise however doesn’t believe him, and tells him that Melissa showed her mother to her. Matthew tells Eloise it’s all a lie, and Eloise yells for him to “stop saying that!”

Matthew, now has a limp and has to be carried by Eloise to safety. They almost reach the door, and are stopped by Raymond. Raymond angrily tells Eloise that all of this is her fault, and that if she was just more like her brother, none of this would ever happen. Raymond begins shooting at them, and tells them to come out. Eloise runs to the kitchen to defend herself, but Raymond shoots her in the leg. However, Willow comes from behind Raymond, and holds him at gunpoint.

Raymond is slowly forced to walk into the main hallway slowly, alongside Matthew who is also being held at gunpoint. Both Eloise and Joy are wearing gloves to prevent their fingerprints from getting onto the weapons. Melissa coldly tells Eloise to choose between her father or her brother, both of whom have personally betrayed her.

Eloise begins to cry and shake her head, and Matthew attempts to persuade Eloise. But her father shoots back, and tells her that he has done everything to protect her, and that if she does this, her mother will never forgive her. Melissa then scoffs, and tells them the truth of Eloise’s mother, (Diana)’s death.

Diana originally did not want to marry Raymond. However, due to Raymond’s connections and wealth, Diane was prevented from leaving as she knew her life would become a living hell if she didn’t. Diane was forced into an arranged marriage and lived miserably for 5 years. When she gave birth to Eloise and Matthew, she found a new purpose and begin to engineer her escape. However, when Raymond discovered this plot, he poisoned her coffee and made it look like an overdose to remove any suspicion. Eventually however, that wasn’t enough, and Raymond spent fortunes on paying off the authorities and poisoned the investigation by discarding evidence. Raymond calls Diana a “whore” and tells Melissa he regrets absolutely nothing.

Eloise recoils in shock, as she goes up to her father and tells her this is payback for all of the terrible things she has done to him. She goes up to Matthew, and tells Melissa she chooses him. Raymond, now realizing the truth of his imminent death, immediately reaches over to Willow and overpowers her. Eloise then gasps in shock. Raymond tells her that it is now her time to visit her mother, and Eloise closes her eyes. Matthew however pushes her out of the way, and gets shot in the neck.

Raymond gasps in shock, and goes over to cradle his son’s body. He looks over to Eloise, and reaches out to strangle her neck, but Willow shoots him ten times in the back. Eloise begins to cry over Matthew’s body. She then begins to laugh, her soul fully crushed. Melissa taps Eloise on the back, and hands her a cordless phone. She tells Eloise to call the police, and makes it seem that her father had attempted to kill them. Eloise obliges, and begins to put on a performance for the Police. Joy and Willow plant evidence around the house, and plant the gun in Raymond’s hand to incriminate him, along with a suicide note detailing a fabricated series of events.

Melissa then instructs her to light the house on fire by throwing the cordless phone into the microwave. This succeeds, and the house is set ablaze, attracting dozens of onlookers. The police arrives, and Melissa and her subordinates put on an amazing show for the cops, effectively deceiving them.

While being interrogated at the police station, Melissa and her subordinates speak on behalf of Eloise and construct a perfect cover-story. They claim that they found out Raymond had killed his wife, and Raymond had killed Jolie, and had attempted to kill them in order for them to not reveal the truth to the world. Melissa then tells the cops to not sensationalize the case under any means. Melissa then stares at Eloise in a hospital bed, and smiles, while injecting red liquid, presumably Psilocybin into her IV.

The Sweetgrass Fields (WIP)[]

The 35 Days Of Veurńoh (WIP)[]

The Mayor congratulated Melissa on joining Fernville’s community. Melissa questions what someone like him would be doing here, and immediately puts together that he’s figured out her involvement in the killings, due to having the entire FPD at his disposal.

The Mayor however, does not want to expose Melissa, and actually wants to use her to advance his own political agenda, planning to use the cult’s activities to secure his position. Melissa openly admits her disdain, but is forced to comply when the Mayor threatens her. Melissa immediately phones the other remaining cult members to clean the entire apartment to prevent any traces of DNA, or any evidence linking back to the Grays. Melissa orders Joy and Joel to not attempt to denounce anything against the cult, or speak out in order to avoid more possible damages. Additionally, Melissa states for the two of them to leave behind the Sigil Grimoire, in order for it to be found by the police. Joel in desperation phones an anonymous number, presumably a cult member.

Meanwhile, James is struggling with backlash from the FBI, and numerous concerns of visibility and awareness regarding the public. Additionally, the FPD is facing numerous phone-ins about “possible cult sightings”. Melissa sends an anonymous tip to the FDP on a burner phone in order to ensure that the FDP remains distracted long enough that the remaining active cult-members can relocate without any added worries.

A new cult member enters town, named Shianne. She is a cult member that specializes in knowledge of altars. Melissa is delighted to see her, as they give her important knowledge regarding the next part of her plan. She plans to perform a ritual named O’Marl, which will grant her a new ability.

Melissa ignores Helena at all times, much to the dismay of Joy. Meanwhile, San begins to conduct a series of copycat murders, and utilizes multiple symbols to tie them to the cult. This sparks media attention, and soon, Melissa, ,Joy, Joel, and Helena need to improvise in order to evade the Media, the Authorities, The FBI, and somehow still co-operate with the mayor. The group decide to keep Melissa’s psychic abilities a secret. Melissa and the group decide to start performing more rituals in order to hone Melissa’s psychic abilities.

Joel decides to meet with the mayor in person, in order to further scope-out the deal, and the Mayor tells them that the cult is going to sabotage multiple political campaigns in the city in order to destabilize the credibility of the opposing parties. Joel is shocked, as the Mayors associate enters the room, named Rin. Rin goes to shake Joel’s hand but he refuses, and denounces the deal. The Mayor easily sees through Joel’s involvement and deduces that he does not have any authority in the group, so he’ll let him pass. Melissa begins to become obsessed with the O’Marl ritual, and begins to develop extreme night terrors, much to the concern of Joy and Joel.

Melissa and Joel have an argument and Melissa mocks Joel, stating how “an altar boy like him should not be talking back to her.” Melissa directs Joy to sabotage Elinda Sim’s political campaign, by spreading rumours online about Elinda being anti-abortion, which causes a large dispute, and ruins her public image. James congratulates the group in private, and Rin shows visible discomfort around James. Melissa slowly begins to hallucinate, as she “plans to search deeper” in her “visions” in order to fully gain her new powers. Joy asks what Melissa is trying to do, and Melissa confesses that she is trying to become a conduit to Gracëus, in order for his energy to channel through her. Joy asks what’ll happen when she does, and Melissa refuses to answer. As Melissa begins to explore the O’Marl ritual, she is slowly trans[opted to a higher-dimension, as she explores, she finds her mind “slowly slipping” and is forced to back out when she sees a light in the sky.

Melissa presents a detailed plan to get rid of 2 of the 3 remaining opposing political parties at once, James is astounded at Melissa’s extreme intelligence, and obliges. Melissa asks James to upload a special report on his public account in order to cement the plan into motion. San makes plans to lure out Melissa into a trap.

Melissa stumbles across Rin vomiting in the toilet, and she comforts her. Rin tells Melissa to go away and hurriedly rushes out of the washroom, dropping a package of amitrypline before packing it into her bag quickly. Meanwhile, James meets up with San, and San tells James that Melissa has powerful psychic abilities. James mockingly calls Melissa a “witch” and Melissa slaps him, causing him to angrily threaten that he will destroy the entire cult if she doesn’t follow his orders. Melissa declares that James has to die, but they have no choice but to follow his orders. Melissa realizes that San is directly responsible for revealing her abilities, and instructs Joel to send an anonymous tip to the location of the next of San’s murders.

San is shown stalking a young woman, Vicky who is known to racially oppress people on her blog. San confronts her while she is alone, and holds a gun to her neck, telling her if she screams he’ll kill her. The two waltz up to her room, and San throws her against the wall. San begins to record the ordeal on his burner phone mocking her, as she begs for her life. However, the police burst into the room, and tell him to put down his gun. San puts Vicky in an armlock, using her as a shield, before he bursts open the window and jumps out onto the street.

He swears under his breath and yells, as multiple police cars begin chasing him. He takes a train route heading for downtown, as the authorities tell armed officers to station themselves at all the stations in anticipation of him leaving. However, one officer enters the train without the consent of the higher-in-commands, and as he enters, he is stealthily dispatched, and has his throat slit as the passengers on the train scream. San uses the crowds disperse as a cover in order to escape.

Melissa watches the ordeal, and smirks, knowing that San will have less chances to continue pinning his murders on the cult. Melissa puts the next part of her plot in action and releases multiple articles online. She examines two of the three remaining political parties, known as The Green Day and The Vine Foundation, who pride themselves on their oratory and debate proficiency. Joy breaks into the The Vine Foundations department, and goes through multiple records in a file cabinet. Joy looks at the trash-can, and sifts through, finding shreds of ripped paper. She decides to wrap up the bags in a black bag and leaves the building.

Later, Joy and Melissa later put every single shred of paper together, and discover that the paper is actually evidence of numerous tax evasions the Vine Foundation has committed through usage of their political campaigns. Joel also discovers that the The Green Day is also responsible for tax evasions, and Melissa suggests that they should attempt to frame the situation as the two parties accusing each other. Melissa and Joel go onto the official forum of the two parties, and begin posting numerous photos of the alleged tax evasion and make it seem like the two parties are accusing each other.

Quickly, Joel examines the situation as it quickly falls under media attention, and laughs as he races the posts to an IP address, which belongs to an unknown individual. Meanwhile, Rin and Melissa meet up for coffee, and Melissa immediately tells Rin right off the bat that she knows what James did to her. Rin begins to sob, and confesses that James had sexually assaulted her. Joy gasps in shock, and begins comforting Rin. Rin asks what they’ll do to her now, or if they’re planning to blackmail her, and she begs for them not to release the information to the public as it could destroy her career. Melissa goes to town square, and begins planting mysterious symbols in the corners of the intersection.

She reveals she’s actually quite poor, aged relies on the connections of the wealthy individuals of Fernville in order to live a lucrative life. Melissa states that she won’t do anything, and says that Rin is actually quite useful to her plan. Joy argues back and tells Melissa that what happened to Rin was horrible, and that using her to further the cult’s ideals is morally wrong and against their teachings. Melissa grabs Rin’s hand, and slams it on a table, while jabbing a pen into it, causing blood to stream out whilst Joy screams.

Melissa stares at Joy emptily and grabs her hair, telling her that - “The cult’s ideals are more righteous than any other.” and asks if she wants to end up like Eloise. Joy begins sobbing, and Melissa asks for more information regarding James. Rin reveals that she was assaulted in a maintenance closet, and shows it, with James obviously having scrubbed it clean to remove evidence. Rin reveals that James was actually indirectly responsible for the death of her mother in order to further his connection to her. Melissa is slowly developing skin-picking tendencies, and even wakes up one morning to find that she has subconsciously scratched her leg whilst asleep. Sometimes, she even whispers and contorts her body in the middle of the night, and Joy sometimes finds her sleepwalking, whilst mumbling a prayer.

Melissa begins psychologically torturing Rin and breaks her calling, her worthless. Melissa also begins coercing Rin to spend more time with James, further breaking her. Melissa at-least, finally completes the O’Marl ritual, and smirks in delight, and looks down at her hand, seemingly finally found the power she was attempting to gain.

San later tracks down Joel, and attacks him. The two get into a brawl, and Joel almost dies before Joy pepper sprays him, allowing them to have an escape route. However, San has already barricaded the front door. The two rush to the attic, as San lights the apartment on fire. The two escape, and before they jump out the upper window, Joy shoots San in the shoulder. The police arrive, and immediately arrest San for arson. Melissa mocks San as he’s in a cell at a secure-psychiatric facility, and tells him that no matter what, her cult will always manage to find a way to spread their beliefs. San knows that he’ll get out, and Melissa acknowledges this as well. San tells Melissa his backstory of growing up in a testing facility ran by religious extremists, and tells Melissa his goal of eradicating all bigoted individuals, believing that this way, the world would no longer be governed by corruption, and the people would no longer have to worry about ideological oppression, solely due to their beliefs.and Melissa sympathizes with him. San asks if he’s fallen for Melissa’s trap, and Melissa shrugs.

San asks Melissa if she’s planning on recruiting people individually, and laughs stating that the cult will most likely die out, due to the heat of being in the crossfire. Melissa smiles, and leans forward, whispering something in San’s ear. San immediately yells out in fear, and yells for the officers to apprehend Melissa. He screams out in fear, as Melissa exits, before turning around to wave. San tells the guards to “stop that monster!”

As Melissa exits the prison, and goes back home. She begins to have “hallucinations” of Gracëus in her home. Gracëus, implores her to sit down, and the two have a chat. Gracëus tells Melissa to do what she’s always been ready to do since she was a young girl, and Melissa begins to happily sob as she collapses against the table. She grabs the Sigil from her cabinet, and slowly begins reading out an ancient ritual.

Upon Melissa’s instruction, Joel uploads a video compiling evidence of James sexually assaulting and being possibly responsible for the murders of two of his close associates, as well as sabotaging the other political parties. He stares in horror at the post, and begins angrily thrashing his apartment in a rage, immediately deducing that the cult was responsible.

Melissa tells Joel to retrieve the book from their old apartment, as the three march out into town square. They stare upon Rin, who is standing near the edge of a high building as a crowd begins to form, and record. They scream and shout for her to come down, but it’s useless, as she plummets to the floor and immediately dies on impact.

The crowd screams as many people dial and call 911, however, Melissa nonchalantly approaches Rin’s corpse. To the shock of the crowd, as some motion for her to stand back. But as she approaches, she goes to Rin’s corpse, and holds her hand over her body, to the crowds confusion. Rin’s body slowly begins to form, and regenerate like clay, as Rin slowly lays down, coughing up blood. Melissa focus more, as Rin slowly begins to heal, her wounds disappearing.

The crowd cheers, as Melissa basks in the attention, finally rejoicing that the world can finally know Gracëus’s name.

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Immediately, the media goes into a frenzy, as murmurs of Melissa appear on national television, calling her “The Miracle Girl”. Melissa’s apartment is slowly being flooded by her fans, as she looks outside, they all cheer her name. Joy is extremely overwhelmed by the attention, while Joel smirks smugly. Melissa has immense ambitions of going on to National TV, Fernville’s largest television network in the country, in order to further spread her influence, and indoctrinate as many individuals as she possibly can.

Meanwhile, San is in prison, and is beaten up by his cell-mates. San, enraged, stabs his cellmate to the point, he almost dies, and is sent to the ER. Meanwhile, San is sent to solitary confinement, and blankly stares at the wall. Seemingly enjoying the peace.

Melissa appears on National TV, and immediately wows the crowd with her exceptionally well-thought out speeches. When the host asks her where she got her abilities from, she stares at the camera, and begins to smile. She tells the audience that a deity named Gracëus gave her the abilities, and that he is “The God Of Life.” Melissa gives a heartfelt speech regarding the nature of the deity, and proclaiming him to be the one true god, as the audience falls silent, but breaks out into rapturous cheers. Next, Rin gives her own testimony, further strengthening public opinion of "Graceuism"

Melissa in her spare-time, slowly flips through the various pages in her Grimoire, and discovers the final page of the ritual, details a terrifying ritual where 4 wicked souls, the wicked maidens and their bachelors are to be sacrificed in order for Gracëus to fully manifest in the human world. Meanwhile, Rin is murdered by James’s men, due to her being a lose end- and her death is framed as an overdose.

Later, James and various other corrupt officials hold a meeting with Kassandra Kristen, as James hands over a paper document, detailing the activities of the cult. Kassandra sinisterly mutters "my little girl has finally grown up." James then asks Kassandra if the two of them can form a partnership, with the end goal being the "destruction" of Melissa Kristen and the sub-branch of The Grays. Kassandra agrees, but as Kassandra leaves, James mockingly tells the other members in the room, that he never signed a physical contract, implying that he has no loyalty towards Kassandra.

Social media immediately calls into action, as an account detailing calls of Gracëus immediately begins to pick up, gaining thousands of followers each passing day. Melissa however, is still unsatisfied, as she still has one last part of her plan to enact. The Mayors Associates, Candace, a famous pop singer, Johnathan, a private investigator, Elora, a toxicologist, and Quell, a lawyer. soon hear about the plans Melissa is enacting, and James orders them to put a stop to Melissa once and for all. Melissa is caught off guard when her mother, Kassandra Kristen comes into town. Kassandra baits down on the table in Melissa’s home, and congratulated her for fulfilling the purpose of the Grays.

Melissa is completely disgusted upon her mothers appearance, and demands that she leave, but Kassandra warns Melissa that the two of them both know who the real prophet is. Kassandra then smiles, seemingly scaring Melissa for the first time in a while, and tells her that a war is coming, and that her followers will be entering Fernville soon. Joel and Joy start forming romantic feelings for each other, and almost hold hands, but Joy is scared and frightened that she’ll be hurt again.

Melissa then sends a call to her compound, as hundreds of her devout followers soon enter Fernville. Melissa is confident that she’ll finally be able to defeat her mother once and for all, and prove her beliefs. Candace begins to make various controversial statements about the cult, which causes public opinion to slowly drop. Enraged, Joy goes to Candace’s next concert, and slaps her in the face in front of her devout fans. Joel holds her back, but Candace pretends to be the victim, as Joy is recorded on tape by hundreds of people. James applauds Candace on her work, as the group sets into motion the plans to slowly break down the cults influence. San watches from the prison TV, laughing giddily.

Melissa instructs her followers to make various posts defaming James Bronwing, but he quickly holds a public press conference, immediately dispelling the accusations. He then urges the populous to stand against the “Religion Of Lies” that is Graceuism, successfully forming an anti-Graceuism faction. Meanwhile, Kassandra tells her own followers to defame Quell about him accepting bribes from his clients in order for their cases to favour them. This amuses Quell to become distraught, and James immediately kills him and makes it look like a suicide, deeming it a “punishment” for his incompetence. Elora and Candace plot a scheme against Joel, in order to weaken Melissa’s network.

Melissa goes to the prison San is being held captive in and asks him for his help. San immediately refuses, refusing to help a “vile b***” like her. However, Melissa attempts to manipulates San into siding against Mayor Bronwing. San feigns his subservience, as Melissa smiles.

Joy is in her apartment as she is being bombarded by dozens of angry people, demanding a public apology. She has shut herself off from all social media. Melissa and San, realizing that the majority of the schemes are being masterminded by Candace, and set off to meet up with her at a cafe. Candace mocks the two shamelessly, calling Melissa "a lying w*ore" and tells them both that she doesnt care whether or not Graceuism is an actual religion/deity, but wants to exploit the monentum from the Graceus deity for her own benefit and is only conspiring alongside James for the same reason as well.

Melissa calls her foul, and Candace threatens Melissa to shut her mouth before "she really shows her what god looks like". San and Melissa leave, and Candace smirks, seemingly satisfied she has asserted her superiority. Elora prepares a set of medicines and breaks into Joy's apartment, attempting to kill her. Joy however, anticipated this, due to a warning from Melissa, and Elora stabs a teddy bear which Joy placed on the bed, covering it with a blanket.

Elora tries to kill Joy, but Joy effortlessly dodges all of her attacks, until Elora pepper sprays Joy in the face, knocking Joy off the balcony. However, when Elora looks over, she realizes that Joy is missing. She goes downstairs, only to be hit from behind by Joel. Joy and Joel bring Elora to an abandoned warehouse, and threaten to set her on fire if she does not hand over the details of their operation. However, before long, Candace enters the warehouse and shoots Joy in the right shoulder, before freeing Elora, as the two escape. Elora attempts to close the gate before the two can leave, but Joy comes from behind and tries to kill her. Joy almost succeeds in strangling Elora to unconsciousness, but Elora grabs a syringe from a nearby shelf, and plunges it into the side of Joy's chest, knocking Joy out. Elora then drags Joy into a closet, and ties her up with extreme proficiency.

Johnathan tries to kill Joel, but Joel stabs him in the throat, and horrifyingly contemplates what he has done. Candace enters the scene just in time to witness Jonathans death, and horifically curses Joel out, and crys over Jonathans dead body. Jonathan mutters his last words "library file" and dies on the spot. Candace's face goes from sadness to pure hatred, and she vows to kill Melissa and all the other cult members. Candae then tells Elora to take Joy into the van so they can transport her somewhere else.

Candace asks James on whether or not they should go public with the altercation, hoping to back the cult into a corner, but James refuses, as numerous rumours could arise regarding the authenticity of the James's campaign. He also fears retaliation from the other members of the cult. Kassandra enters the room, and suggests an alternative plan, regarding the shipping and distribution of various illegal goods. Kassandra suggests that due to the high amount of drugs being produced in Fernville, they can use the drugs to frame the cult, painting it as a false religion, and in turn, the mayor can resume operations, and Kassandra can relocate her followers to another compound.

Melissa practices astral projection in her bed, and manages to temporarily enter Joel’s body, much to his horror. Melissa giddily proclaims that she has learned a new spell, and leaves, much to Joel’s horror.

James agrees to the plan, unbeknownst to the, however, Joy is listening in from a nearby vent. San and Melissa later set up a trap against Candace, luring her out by using Joel to harass her by using Jonathan’s death. Candace, enraged, meets up with Joel inside of one of her dance studios, and immediately questions him. Joel provokes her into accidentally confessing live in front of thousands of people, and having the video posted online, exposing her true nature.

Enraged, Joel mocks her and leaves. Candace laughs in his face, and tells him that she’ll just get a bunch of lawyers to cover up her mess, but Joel frankly proclaims that it’ll be the last time she’ll ever be lucky. Candace screams in rage, and immediately phones the Mayor, and smirks at Elora, apparently, Elora informed James that Melissa would plan to use Joel as a pawn in order to lure out Candace. James, suspecting that Candace was just using him as benefit for her own schemes and was not at all faithful towards him, set her up to be exposed, planning to use her anger against Melissa. San later tracks down the area in which the drugs are being produced, which is a seaport near Fernville’s harbour, and plants a gigantic bomb, destroying the silo, and all the illegal substances, folding James’s plan, much to his wrath.

Melissa is caught off guard when Kassandra holds a press conference, defaming Graceus’s arrival as a “hoax” and “one of the most elaborate false-flag operations in the history of the USA.” While well received, she undermines her credibility by claiming that the various news agencies - Fernville Live, Fern Star, and TV Leaf, are promoting acts of yellow journalism, causing public opinion to be split 50/50 which enrages James.

Candace hires numerous lawyers to cover up her business and manages to turn the tides slightly in her favour by claiming that she was being targetted and harassed by various extremist members of the Gracëus’s supporters. Melissa retaliates by uploading various files that Joel received during the night in the warehouse, which causes some members off the public to gossip about James. Melissa tells her followers to steal a armed truck containing at-least 500 bombs and a single large one which can wipe out 25% of a city.

James holds a meeting, and tells everyone that they only have days remaining to make a move against the cult. If they don’t, as he puts it, a - “complete collapse of everything we have worked for would occur.” This causes numerous members of James’s inner circle to start promoting false campaigns, and various “truth-seekers” which are actually poor working-class individuals, being bribed into speaking out against the cult. Melissa is caught off-guard, and realizes that there is a possibility she will not make it out of the quarrel alive. Melissa goes to 8 stem, and breaks into a rundown area of the amusement park, and begins etching a gigantic rune in a crazed state with a knife, she then smiles upon looking down, whispering that “his time has come”

Melissa and San follow Elora to a hospital, and Melissa makes several comments about Elora’s husband, who is currently in a coma. It is revealed that Elora had purposefully impregnated herself in order to keep her lover, Samuel tied to her. If he left her, she would “kill herself, and tell everyone in her suicide note that it was his fault.” San found the note in Elora’ s trash, and Elora begins threatening Melissa in front of everyone, telling her that “she deserves him” and curses at Melissa. However, she quickly backs down when Melissa whispers in her ear, threatening to murder her boyfriend and pin it on her if she told James about it. Melissa then tells Elora that if she gives her information about James, she will allow her and Samuel a place to live, completely safe from James.

Elora tells Melissa that she does not have any information on James, but tells her that she has dirt on most of James’s inner circle. Melissa smiles giddily, and tells Elora to hand her information atleast once a day. If not, she will kill Samuel.

Kassandra plans on sabotaging James, and during the night, sneaks into the computer lab where she grabs a flash-drive, and uploads it onto the internet. The moment she finishes uploading, she is apprehended and is sedated via a stringe containing a paralytic agent. Kassandra is tied up, and begs to be released. James mockingly tells her that “he’s smarter than her.” and Kassandra arrogantly proclaims that her followers will come storming into James’s office, but James already tells her that he’s planning on torturing her live, and using the footage to pin it on the Grays, ensuring that the cult will be brought down once and for all. Kassandra is thrown into the same cell as Joy.

Kassandra has her tongue bashed in with a nail and a hammer, and has all her nails ripped off. The footage is pre-recorded, and James has made it so the signals have been traced to Mexican, European, and Canadian servers in order to prevent tracking of any kind. Multiple of his men berate his depravity but he insults them mercilessly. Kassandra’s torture is broadcasted live and posted on social media platforms and Melissa laughs, applauding herself as she proclaims that her schemes are working.

Public opinion quickly falls into disarray, as The Grays cult has lost all credibility, and is demonized. The members of the general public cry for “justice” against The Grays, and numerous wealthy citizens have went to social media, further driving a nail into the cults coffin.

Melissa, prepares for her final stand, and makes a call to San, asking him for one last favour, as she proclaims she is on “a death march.” Melissa marches downtown, as she is protected by a barricade of armed police officers, as the entire population of Fernville harasses her, as crowds of people throw trash and bottles at her. Melissa stands stoic, and stands on top,of a car, and proclaims to the crowd to not be deceived by the “Demon Of Fernville”. However, she is wrestled to the ground by police officers, and is taken into custody. However, San had planted a bomb on one of the tires, causing the Van to crash and spur open, allowing Melissa an opening to escape. Joel later meets with them, and is visibly annoyed when he comes into contact with San, still begrudged upon the notion of him trying to burn him to death.

Melissa is derived away by San to 8 Stem, wanting to honour her father, the first and only person who unconditionally loved her. James revels in his “victory” and informs the public that Melissa had planted a bomb on the Ferris wheel, and all individuals must be evacuated 5 kilometres away from the amusement park, causing mass hysteria.

Elora and Candace confront Melissa at the Ferris wheel, however, unbeknownst to them, San had planted a bomb in a nearby empty concession stand, which explodes, causing a bit of wood to jab Candace in the stomach, critically wounding her, and battering Elora, knocking her out of commission for a bit. James later secretly escorts Kassandra into the bomb-ridden areas of the city, planning to drive home to Melissa that her own mother was her undoing.

Candace and Elora recover, but Candace stays behind due to her injuries, leaving Elora to be alone all by herself. Melissa mocks Wlora in the hall of mirrors, causing Elora to have a breakdown as she maniacally shoots in all directions. Elora has her Achilles’ tendon cut by San who comes from behind, however, James’s forces emerge from a nearby corridor, much to Elora’s relief. However, to her realization and horror, the guards ask James over walkie-talkie if they should execute Elora. Elora begs for her life, but James mercilessly orders her to be killed, as she is shot through the head by a gun. Joel meets up with James, and lures him away, by provoking him with a knife to his throat. James however, knocks Joel away, as the two wrestle for a gun.

James manages to gain control and smacks Joel away, but is unable to get a clear shot as Joel nimbly escapes and dodged his shots.

Melissa later lures James’s forces to a area of the amusement park riddled by bombs, and nearly half of them are wiped out from a bomb strategically placed on the upper area of a roller-coaster ride, causing debris to rain down on James’s men, crushing and injuring them. James orders his forces to split and diverge and search for San, but James is visibly disturbed when one of his men on the inside inform him that Elora’s corpse has mysteriously disappeared.

San drags Elora’s corpse into the Sigil that Melissa had created, and wipes a portion of Melissa’s blood on her forehead. San asks Melissa what the next part of the plan is, and that is to track down Kassandra and Candace next.

Melissa mockingly asks if he really believed she was on his side, but San laughs, knowing that Melissa needs 4 corpses for Gracëus to be released into the human realm. Melissa scowls at San before retreating deeper into the amusement park. San realizes that the controller used to detonate the bombs is missing from his bag, and realized that Melissa had stolen it. Melissa later mocks Candace, and tells her to follow her. Candace in a rage, chases down Melissa, but instead runs into San, as the two enter a duel. San knocks Candace into a concession stand, but is caught off guard when Candace activates a twirl-a-whirl, causing San to be knocked away, and breaking his spine. Candace almost delivers the final blow, but San grabs a rock from his side, and smashes Candace’s head with it, however, before her death, Candace using a syringe, injects San’s leg with a mysterious agent.

San lays, crippled into inaction as Melissa kneels down, mockingly. Melissa tells San that she never wanted to work alongside him, and always knew he was faking his subservience. She then looks up at the sky and says “Witness the new world.. our new world.” San mocks her, telling her that she alerted James with an anonymous tips a few weeks prior, alerting him of Melissa’s plan. Melissa is shocked, and immediately dials Joel, and tells him to Lure James to the Ferris Wheel.

James tracks down Joel, and shoots him in the leg, but as James is about to deal the final shot, he is stopped by Melissa, who provokes him. James angrily shoots in the air, which is a signal that alerts James’s men to storm Melissa’s location. James holds Joel hostage, with a gun to Joel’s head, but Melissa triggers numerous bombs around the Ferris wheel, which surrounds the area in fire, and prevents James’s men from directly confronting Melissa. James grabs Kassandra, Melissa’s mom from a truck, and throws her to the ground, which severely injured her. Kassandra crawls over to Melissa and begs for mercy but Melissa grabs Kassandra’s chin, and holds a finger to her mouth saying “shh.”

Melissa mocks James, and James angrily storms after her, as Melissa enters the funhouse, which has a puppet show detailing the origins of a “holy prophet.”. James slowly sweeps the area and startedly shoots at various puppets in pure fury. Melissa is shown hiding behind a door, and walks out. James shoots her in the stomach, as she kneels on the ground. James tells her that no matter how hard she tried, a “loud-mouth little princess” like Melissa will never amount to anything. Melissa mockingly proclaims that “this little princess, is god’s servant.” and throws a match into a gas pipe, which causes an explosion and knocks James away. Joel manages to tackle James, as the two enter a brawl.

Melissa later runs to a ticket booth and collapses against it. James follows suit, but Kassandra follows, and stabs James in the back. James shoots her in the shoulder before Kassandra hits him in the leg, but James smacks her head against her concrete, but allows Melissa to grab the gun. Kassandra using her last amount of strength rolls an capsule over to Melissa. Melissa holds the gun to James’s head, and James mocks Melissa, proclaiming that “in the end, he will always be a winner.” Melissa goes to pull the trigger, but is distracted by her mom’s pain-stricken whimpers. James manages to hoist the gun and jab melissa’s face. Melissa closes her eyes and goes on her knees. James tells Melissa to “Choke and die” before pulling the trigger, but the gun explodes in his face, as he rolls over in complete agony, his face being completely torn off.

Melissa mockingly tells him that if he wants to be a winner, that he should die with silence and dignity like a true winner would, as she watches James die in agonizing misery. Kassandra dies as well, and Melissa loads their corpses into a carriage and wheels them over to the main area of the amusement park. She climbs to the top of the Ferris wheel, and raises her hand in worship, with the four corpses collected, Garcëus can finally manifest into the human world.

Melissa’s followers later storm James’s compound, and find a starving, half-dead Joy unconscious in a holding chamber. Joy is sent to a hospital and is immediately recognized as a member of The Grays. A flashback reveals that Melissa had anticipated the police would ask her for her testimony, and hands her a script containing what to say to the authorities, and to memorize it.

Joy tells the authorities as her testimony is recorded by various news anchors, detailing the depth of corruption that the mayor, James Bronwing had imposed on the community, and the lengths he went to frame the cult for his own wrong-doings, she successfully absolves the cult of any wrong-doing, and the public is shocked by such a revelation. Joy pins the bombings and the drug shipping on James Bronwing, and successfully restores the image of the Grays.

Melissa slowly prepares the final bits of the ritual, as she lies down in the middle of the rune. Melissa recites an incantation as she clutches a pendant on her chest. A holy energy begins surrounding her, as a yellow light bursts into the sky, creating a beam of light that becomes significantly more human. The event is broadcasted as helicopters surround the figure, allowing the footage to reach a world-wide audience.

‘Samuel watches in horror, along with Joel who watches from the outskirts of the amusement park, he laughs, as Joy smirks and begins to happy cry as she exclaims “finally.” Melissa whispers the last words of the poem, as she opens her eyes staring at the ceiling. She smiles, and whispers. “Father.” As her soul exits her body. San watches in horror, as a wave of fire approaches him and he is fully consumed. As the bomb is triggered, which levels the entire amusement park and the surrounding buildings. The being of light absorbs the inferno clouds, and transforms into a mighty being of light. As it implodes and disappears. Melissa seemingly- finally dies.

Soon, news begins to show, as numerous groups form world-wide worshiping Gracëus. Gracëuism successfully becomes a world-wide religion. San is shown in a dark room, burnt to a crisp, with horrific burns all over his body and completely bald. He walks over to a meal on his table, but collapses weakly. However, he wakes up again.

11 Years Later, Joy and Joel have a child, a beautiful little girl, named Christina who had recently turned 5. The two go to a local church, and worship Gracëus. However, Joy looks down to see her child looking up at her. Christina tells Joy “Mommy, why are you thinking of that lady again?” Signalling the possibility of Melissa being reborn in Christina’s body, as Joy stares down in shock.


Orientation: Aroace

Relationship/Partner: N/A


  • Kassandra Kristen
  • Simon Kristen
  • 108 unnamed members of “The Grays”


  • Sandbag Cruz


  • The Federal Bureau Of Investigation


Hair: Mahogany Gradient

Skin: Glass-like, flawless

Eyes: Black

Height: 5’7

Weight: 135

Body Type: Average

Outfit: White-Turtleneck, Red Ribbon, Brown Skirt.

Accessories: Red Jewel Embroidery, Black & Red Headband.

Distinguishing Features: Defined nose, Glazed Eyes, Scent of Perfume



  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Malignant Narcissism: Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.


Special Abilities

  • Mental Cognizance: Melissa is always completely aware of the mental states of each person around her, as well as any “abnormalities” or fluctuations.
  • Mind Reading: A rather undeveloped side ability of The Sigil, Melissa possesses an ability akin to a “cognitive lottery” in the sense that The Sigil provides her heightened sensitivity in social situations, akin to a psychics ability to cold-read. The lottery aspect of this ability in that The Sigil randomly provides her visions of varying significance. Some visions might be very cryptic and or indecipherable in nature. Others however may provide extremely significant information that is integral to a current situation. There is no known way to control the flow of information that emerges from this ability. Also, the information presented is ONLY in relation to people, not events, so likewise these visions provide information that applies to the interpersonal aspects of things. Using this “lottery” ability, Melissa has the potential to discern things about other people that she would have NO way of knowing beforehand. Such as their ID, place of birth, blood type, family history, and in one case, even a persons true name and the fact they fabricated an ID.
  • Immortality & Regeneration: She is able to heal from extremely fatal wounds that normal humans would not be able to withstand. She has returned from being brutally slaughtered, and can effortlessly receive a blow without any signs of her body going into the defensive, with her wounds healing at high speeds. Additionally, she is incapable of feeling pain, but this ability does not extend to the mental side of things.

Corporeal Abilities

  • Manipulation & Charisma: Despite being seemingly introverted, Melissa is incredibly manipulative, and performs exceptionally well in social environments. Her conversational abilities can only be described as paragon, and her communication skills are flawless. She can spin any story and lie with incredible ease. She can deceive highly trained detectives such as when the FBI investigated her most recent hotel, and she managed to sway them away through numerous distractions. Additionally, she can blend in with any crowd regardless of their identities, and can easily persuade people into believing that she is truly a philanthropic, sweet girl.
  • Deception: She was able to utilize cleverly hidden recording devices to give herself an alibi when she was being investigated. Additionally, due to her Mind Reading abilities, she is able to anticipate any suspicions that other people may have.
  • High Intelligence: Upon her time at a normal high school, she was able to gain Straight-As almost instantaneously, and managed to memorize a handful of extremely difficult trivia during her time as a participant at a competition at Fernville. She is also a master strategist, and the sabotage of the FBI, and the Mayor’s election campaign can all be traced back to her machinations.
  • Knowledge Extraction: Using cold reading and hypnotherapy techniques, Melissa can gain a large amount of knowledge about single person through “rituals” which are actually just practices akin to meditation. An example of this is her “ Red card, White card” game which is actually just a way to extract large amounts of knowledge from an individual in short amounts of time.


  • Incredibly unremarkable physically. Without subordinates she is practically defenceless.
  • While potent, her Mind-Reading abilities cannot be “deactivated” and she can be overwhelmed when an influx of thoughts emerge from out of the blue.
  • While potent, her regenerative factor will be limited if sage or spices are rubbed on her injuries, even if it’s a minuscule amount,
  • Her mind-reading abilities can also be limited to some extent when dealing with severely mentally-I’ll or traumatized individuals, as these individuals are pre-disposed to creating “mental barriers”, which can cause Melissa high difficulty.
  • Certain Individuals may take a longer time to read, such as those who are especially sensitive extra-sensory stimulus.


  • Intelligence: 10, her intelligence is her most admirable quality. Throughout the series, she is never caught off guard once, and the bulk of the series’s problems are due in part to her incredibly complex schemes.
  • Strength: 2.5, unremarkable physical frame, and vulnerability despite her regenerative factor, however, she manages to compensate with her speed.
  • Speed: 8, Despite her above strength stat, she arrives at places much faster than a normal human being would, and normal humans state that she could so appear in a blink of an eye, even if they were focusing.
  • Agility: 9, nimble. Her stealth managed to catch trained officers off guard, and she stalked San through an empty road for hours until she made herself known purposefully.
  • Endurance: 10, Her regenerative physiology makes her unable to feel pain.
  • Stamina: 10
  • Balance: 10
  • Social Ability: 10, is adept and extremely charismatic. Can fool extremely perceptive individuals into believing her lies. Incriminated the previous Mayor of Fernville in a drug scandal, and fooled investigators during her interrogation, masquerading as a harmless victim.


  • Original template made entirely by Sarah Bullet235
  • OC and story made by Kawasokomio and JamieChennn