In early 2015, a group of friends found what they thought was a tape in a small house in the forest. They we're all deciding to watch it on there own, but they all wanted Laurie to watch it first. And so she did, later that day she sat down to watch it, knowing that it was just a dumb tape in the forest. Whatever was on it, is still unknown to this day, but since then Laurie was missing. Her friends decided to go over to her mother's house, which left them in shock, when she had no idea of who they we're talking about. Only then, did they get the police involved. The police said that it was probably just a missing girl and that they had nothing to worry about. The only problem is that, the group of friends knew her and they knew that she wasn't just going to go missing without a trace. And that was when, they stopped trusting the police. To this day, she has never been seen again. That was until another copy surfaced at the front of one of the friends doors. It was titled, "Laurie," which left the friends confused she went missing over 2 years ago. That's what made the friends decide to watch it, what was the contents of the tape, and why was it titled the name of their missing friend, in which, nobody remembers. As soon as they pressed play, it took them to a blank room. It looked like the house they had visited, from ages ago, just a little more distorted. And that was when, they saw an apparition appear. It moved towards the dimly lit part of the room, and then it proceeded to show it's face. It was Laurie, but not the Laurie that we remembered. She was wearing a clown costume, Laurie hated clowns, and that's when we saw her face. It was painted white, and she had a nose that none of us could remember. As soon as we started looking into the screen, she let out a laugh, so maniacal, that her eyes were crying blood. One of our friends, Jamie, went up to the screen, as far as she could, and asked what happened to you, as soon as she asked, the screen had cut to black. We we're all in shock, the girl who was known for cheerleading, and drawing stick figures, was no more. As soon, as we removed the tape, there was a feeling of nausea that went over all of us. Not only was it so bad, Kaitlyn and Jamie, both had to get up to puke. It was normal vomit, it was filled with maggots. That was the drawing point for us, as we all started screaming to the point of where, we had to destroy the tape. For the next seven days, we we're all sick to our stomachs. Not only we're we having the same nightmare, but it was the same every time. Just a girl in our room, either laughing the way she did on the tape, or just silently watching us. It was getting so bad, that all of us we're suffering from sleep paralysis, and night terrors. We all had this feeling of Insomnia for months, not only did, Kaitlyn and Jamie, slowly lose themselves into the madness, we all did too, It was something we couldn't get away from, she was watching us wherever we were, and nobody remembered her. It got so bad to the point of where some of us we're being hospitalized, needing to go on antipsychotics, because we couldn't stop seeing her. We'd plead with them that it wasn't a hallucination, it was real. And as soon as we said that, they would stab us with long-acting Injectables. Not only did the hospitals think we we're crazy, our parents started slowly backing away from us. As much as they knew we we're their children, It wasn't enough for them to believe that we weren't crazy. And as soon as I knew it, our parents we're getting into car crashes, so fatal, that they we're needing to go to the emergency room. It was not only targeting us, It was targeting the people close to us. And that was when we all had are breaking points, we we're all unable to sleep anymore, I knew she was coming, and I knew she was coming to take me. If only we didn't go into that forest, her mom barely remembers her, and now she's making us all go insane. The last I heard from Jamie, or Kaitlyn was a year ago. It's cold, I feel cold. As much as I have to stay here now, this place has become my home, and I know my parents think the same too, as much as I want the antipsychotics to work, they don't and now this place is my prison. I hear her everywhere, her cries, her pain, her suffering, it's coming from everywhere, I can't escape it. We we're all going to make it big one day, so was Laurie, being a cheerleader, would have brought her places. It's the only thing I can think about now, as I lay here, reliving the pain from her tape in my head, supposedly the hospital has a surprise for me whatever that is, I can't help but remember the night terrors we all had, as well as the maggots that formed after Kaitlyn and Jamie puked, It was everywhere. One of the staff members walk in, "Hey Lewis, we have a surprise for you," we we're supposed to give this to you and your friends, but it looks like it was designated for you. What could it be, as I lay there in wonder, I open the contents of the present, it was another tape, the only difference is that it was designated for me, the name on the tape, was "Lewis," as I got up, the nurse had left something for me to use. I couldn't help but resist putting it in, but I was curious, the last time we did this, it resulted in us being locked away, but why would it have my name? I put it in, wondering what the contents of the tape was, and it was Jamie and Kaitlyn, the only difference is that it was through security footage, as I watched, I couldn't help but notice, Laurie, although we saw her in a tape, she looked as though, as if she was glitching through the matrix, the only difference though is that, she was hurting them. She snapped their necks, and I fell back on the floor in tears moving away from the device. I started to scream and that was when I knew, they we're working with her. Why would they put this in my room, why would they give it to me. It all makes sense now, the accidents, the injections, them locking us up, they we're trying to make us look crazy. And that was when I noticed blood on the wall, it was in writing, and it said, "Don't worry Lewis, It'll all be over soon," I scurried back to the bed in panic, as I was holding up a knife, I had snuck in. I started looking at the security cameras and that is when I got an idea, it wasn't a big one, but it allowed me to get my message out, whether they allowed my parents to see it, is unknown, but it was the only thing I could do. If this is the last you hear of me, I hope you know our story. The lights are completely off now, I see things getting written on the walls, and the only things I see now our her. She's coming to take me. And that was when the camera's cut off.