Creepypasta Files Wikia
"Have you seen that pesky cat anywhere? I-.. What? You think it's cute? Hmph, just wait when you interact with her on her Physical form. She's got a nasty mouth, to be unruly honest. But her company has been entertaining to watch."  - Knives description of Cheshire.

Cheshire is a cat with a strange appearance, though she does have another one, in fact, many of her comrades has mentioned it several times, but she never shows it too often. While she's got a strange look on herself, she is indeed a torturer, but not all know she is behind her fake mask of unsettling.


While her physical form is not known, she is countlessly seen in her cat form instead.

Her appearance as a cat, she features black fur, long whiskers, pale fluff inside her ears. Her face shows heterochromia eyes, with gold on her right (your left) and purple on the left side (your right). However, this is the unusual part, she has two-twined tails, and each one consists of a jewelry at some point. A small purple orb floating quietly, and underneath it, is a yellow crescent moon.

Her comrade, Gazelle, mentions that she has only eye sockets in her physical form, and she wears purple-black everywhere, though, no further information is stated. The Deputy-Leader of her group, Rose Thorn also commented that she looked quite stunning, aside from her empty eye sockets.


Knives remarks that she has a nasty mouth, but her company is quite entertaining. Meaning that even though she's got a bad mouth, she was still hard to fire because of her company of entertainment. Cheshire, however, is very manipulative and talkative, making her seem "annoying" and "loud". Cheshire may be the Council Member of the Eons, she has likely been absent from her work, strangely enough, the Eon Empress pardons her absentees. Overall, in result, Cheshire has a foul-mouth, entertaining presence, manipulative, talkative, personality with a side of her that she does not really care about her Council work, and mainly focuses on her group's commissions instead.


Not known information is mentioned, but the most likely scenario about her is that she is created by Scientists, and had gone insane, malfunctioned her system, and fled away from the facility.

Powers and Abilities[]

As a witch, she's often seen magically performing stunts and spells, or rituals. Even without a broom, she could levitate. She can teleport, and even bring people along with her. Cheshire has often enhanced her summoning trick, but it usually brings her the wrong items that she wishes to see.


  • Cheshire is @SomeRandomElizabethAftonAddict's character.
  • Cheshire is pansexual, and a bit of a Demi-girl.
  • Cheshire was once a cat experimented and combined together with a girl with the subject name: 5623, also known as "Anna Law".
  • The Shadow's pet( Cheshire ) has Trypanophobia, which means: Fear of needles/injections. This can be from all of the experiments that has been injected inside of her main body, and the probable reason why she uses a wand for murder, instead of something sharp like a needle (she doesn't need to be reminded of that).
  • In the Alias, it says "The Shadow's pet", and you may wonder, who is this "Shadow" they speak of? Well, the only speculation is that, The Mimic is the "Shadow", and Cheshire CAT, is the "pet"
  • It is unknown whether "Anna Law" has parents or siblings, or is an orphan, because the scientists just picked her up from a random street.
  • She likes strawberries (for some odd reason)
  • They have a tendency of yawning too much.
  • Her component's name, "Anna" is borrowed from one of @SomeRandomElizabethAfton's favorite youtubers, annapantsu 🎵. And "Law" was randomly picked.
  • Story can be read here .