Creepypasta Files Wikia

What is "Marked for Deletion"?

The category "Marked for deletion" is applied onto pages that are on the list of creations considered to be ready for termination. This might be due to one reason in particular or a series of reasons mentioned below. If you remove this category from your page, the creation will be immediately terminated as a result as only staff-members can place/remove the category.

Ways to Get This Category

  • Unrelated to Creepypasta in general.
  • Character being OP (meaning "overpowered") or resembling a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu.
  • Resembling the famous Creepypasta characters (e.g Jeff the Killer) in almost every way possible (e.g appearance, behavior, backstory, etc).
  • Having no words on the page, having only an infobox or lacking crucial elements to a character.
  • Pages being added to with an individual line of information per edit saved (e.g the author adding a sentence per edit).
  • Being requested (without a valid excuse provided to a member of the site).
  • Stolen picture or art that credit was not given to the original artist.
  • Inappropriate page creation (automatic deletion if spotted by an administrator or content moderator and a 3 day block).
  • An extreme amount of grammar and spelling mistakes which makes the page hard to read.
  • Having an extreme amount of clichés (vague bullied, vague abused, becoming powerful for no reason, murdering for no reason). Example: Nina the Killer.
  • Only serves for the purpose of advertisement.
  • Failure to respectfully acknowledge sensitive material such as abuse, neglect, rape, assault, etc.
  • Having blacklist topics in the story and creation (automatic deletion if spotted by an administrator or content moderator).
  • Inappropriate behavior/posts that stems from the creation's upload (provided evidence has been supplied).

What About Other Stories/Characters?

Because of issues explored in both the past and present, you cannot randomly upload characters/stories/projects made by another author entirely. More notable characters within the franchise shared across wikis - unless the original author is against this type of action - are an exception however (e.g Nina The Killer, Jane The Killer, etc).

But, creations made by lesser-known users or authors who have yet to give their consent to uploading their Creepypastas are to only be added with appropriate evidence for this migration or else you can suffer from various warnings/blocks. This may also warrant the page this category for obvious reasons.

Please check the Story Policy page for more insight.


You will be given an explanation by the staff-members on your Message Wall or in the comments of the page as to why your page was marked for deletion. There will also be a two week deadline from the initial date the category was placed. If the page has not improved once the deadline is met (or the author themselves request for the staff-members to do so), the creation will be deleted.

However, if your page has already been deleted, you will be given one more chance to write a paragraph in a discussion post in the deletion appeal category or through a message placed onto the staff-member responsible of the termination stating why you think the page should stay on the wiki. It should be noted though that creations that go against the Page Guidelines or the majority of the contents seem off-topic cannot be restored for obvious reasons.

If you have been given the category "Marked for deletion" but aren't sure as to why you did receive the category (even after viewing this page), it is recommended to ask the staff-member responsible for placing the category through their Message Wall. Immediate deletions are not prohibited on this site unless the creation has warranted such an action.

All items (8)
