These are pages that are under review to whether or not the page should be Marked for Deletion or should be left alone as it is accepted. Only staff members can add this category to pages.
Ways To Get This Category[]
- The biography of the character is placed in chunks or overstretched paragraphs.
- The page might follow the Page Guidelines to an extent (not entirely).
- The character artwork is suspected to be traced and/or uncredited.
- The structure of the page is confusing or lacking certain sections (e.g appearance, personality, weaknesses/strengths, etc).
- The page has been made under another user's name without visual/audible permission (e.g the Creepypasta is linked to a random user on Instagram).
- The page has been requested to have the category by the original author (to members of staff via their Message Wall).
Similar to "Marked for deletion", a creation is often "Marked for Review" to determine if a creation should be deleted/improved via a review set either on a user's Message Wall or in the comments of the page. Unless staff-members themselves have seen an improvement from their review, please do not remove the category yourself (as they will likely do so for you if you have notified them).
Some staff members might also edit the page to help review the creation (if there are large chunks of text) and/or link other creations within their review to help assist you in structure/writing. A basic review format for staff-members can be found below:
"[insert error here]"
Explanation - Explain why this might be seen as an error to the source.
Recommendation - Offer a possible improvement for this error.
A rating is not often mandatory for reviews such as these so feel free to not include the detail.
Some pages can be marked for deletion if the standard has either been left unchanged or worsened by the page's quality or the user's reaction to receiving a review. Once again, please be aware that a review should be seen somewhere on your Message Wall or in the comments shortly after the category has been placed.
If it has merely been a few hours, please be patient as our staff team might have other matters to attend to. If it has been longer (a week or two perhaps), please inform members of staff so one may be given to you or the category can possibly be removed due to the overdue review requirement.
All items (78)
- The Ax Murderer Andy
- The Chimes
- The Diary of a Cherub
- The Hawker
- The Hunterian Institute
- The Lady
- The Shadow
- The Thing In The Ultraman Costume
- The Whisperer
- This Is Why The Attraction 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Was Left Abandoned/Closed.