Creepypasta Files Wikia

Annie is a black-eyed child who tricks unsuspecting people to invite her into their personal spaces, such as their home or car. She will use a ruse in order to complete this task. Examples of such ruses include her being lost and needing to use your phone to her escaping from being kidnapped.

After being granted access to a person’s personal space, it is unclear what happens next. There are a couple of theories that include memory loss, severe bad luck, or health declining drastically.

Some say black-eyed children emanate radiation which could explain the side effects of encountering these creatures.


She is more on the quiet side. Annie lacks empathy and would watch the most helpless thing to struggle and die.


Annie has a grey-ish tint to her skin. She wears innocent-looking clothes to make people more likely to trust her.


  • Her favorite animal is a frog.
  • Her Creator is Amyhip.
  • Positive Traits - Adaptable, Loyal, Placid and Rational.
  • Negative Traits - Arrogant, Cruel, Deceitful, Sneaky, Quiet and Commitment Issues.
  • Fears - Being Trapped, Being Hunted, Small Spaces, Slenderman (and his Proxies), being too attached to someone.