I have improved so much mentally and physically since the last post, and am feeling inspired to create again! I really feel like the rest of the year is mine for the taking.
Usually a mod will comment on your profile to notify you of such.
Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors I noticed were: 's instead of s (hedgehog's instead of hedgehogs), weird capitalisation (i.e Snail instead of snail, People, Way etc.), and run-on sentences (sentences that go for way, way too long without punctation or excessive use of commas.)
Also the wiki does have standards for pages, and if a page doesn't meet them it can be Marked for Deletion. I'd reccomend looking at https://creepypastafiles.fandom.com/wiki/Blacklisted_Topics and https://creepypastafiles.fandom.com/wiki/Page_Guidelines
From looking at the page I'd say format it better and fix the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Also you don't need to censor words here.
Generally it's like a TL:DR of a character's attributes and strengths.
Woah, jesus christ. Don't escalate this situation any further.
Tell your parent/guardian, a teacher if they go to your school, and the authorities if they are actively harrasing, stalking or physically threatening you.
Do not attempt to physically retaliate against them, unless you are in immediate danger.
As someone who lives in a country where knives and other sharp objects tend to be the most common threat, I can tell you that it can get ugly really quickly and you do not want to be in the postion of accidentally stabbing or being stabbed.
Did you upload the image to this site?
Also include the file type when typing the name into the infobox, i.e "picture.png"
Go up to the three dots at the top right, click Add new page and input your character's name into it
I have improved so much mentally and physically since the last post, and am feeling inspired to create again! I really feel like the rest of the year is mine for the taking.
You've answered your own question, the wiki doesn't allow spin offs.
Hey everyone!
You've probably seen my activity decline over the past few months, and the reason is because of reoccuring lung infections that I'm still recovering from. As a result I've been in a almost constant state of fatigue, making it difficult to spend much time writing or editing.
Plus, this year I'm going into HSC Legal Studies, meaning that I'm going to have to spend more time on schoolwork to be able to achieve a 80+ ATAR score.
So, yeah I'm pretty much going to be almost completely inactive in 2023 besides the occasional check up. Hopefully Mikael's page will be finished when I'm all done and dusted my HSC.
Hope you all have a great year!
@Coltonwastaken I mean like, you've shown yourself to be a troublesome user and the explosion of accounts that all have something to do with Bloodshot Travis and all use the exact same style of typing and messaging kind of implies that you've been sock puppeting, which is both very annoying and actually against Fandom's TOS.
If you spent as much time as you have farming attention and reviews (that adage about bad publicity still being good publicity is very inaccurate, by the way) into Bloodshot Travis and treated other users with respect, then you probably would have good reviews and would be better liked within this wiki and other wikis.
In all honesty the mods are being absolute saints towards you, most wikis would have permanently banned you and/or reported you to the Fandom Admins, and seeing that being abused is really awful to see.
You're young, but that only explains your actions, it doesn't excuse them.
My apologies for the misunderstanding.
@BunnyCake52 what reason does Crit have to lie? The two wikis are run by completely different people with different rules and regulations.
Honestly a 2.5/10
The story is confusing and meandering and feels extremely derivative of Jeff the Killer.
There isn't exactly enough to review.
I think it's just wholly coincidental
Jtk and Jeffery Dahmer have completely different modus operandi. Jtk kills indiscriminately for the sake of killing, while Dahmer targeted young gay men (usually of colour) and would keep the victim's bodies in his apartment.
The events leading up to the start of their murders are also nothing alike at all.
I also think this question is fairly disrespectful as real people where hurt by Dahmer, while Jtk is a fictional character.
This is is actually a awesome suggestion, and I feel it could really help out with soundboarding ideas.