Does anyone have an unfavorable opinion they wanna share?
Behave in comments, please.
If someone tells you your character is a Mary Sue, it’s probably a Mary Sue. Don’t freak out about it.
Unpopular opinion(s):
More than half of the Ocs here aren't creepy, they're just serial killer ocs
Cliches are okay to use at times
Having red hair/eyes aren't creepy
Having stitches as mouths aren't creepy anymore
There needs to be more "monsters" ocs
Human Ocs are overrated now
Creepypasta Ocs have gotten worse throughout the years
Here are some of mine:
Home invasion style horror movies are the least scary.
I think Among Us is overrated, and I prefer Trivia Murder Party and Fall Guys over that game.
There's not enough ghost/poltergeist type of OCs in this fandom.
'Zalgoid' OCs are seriously the worst.
It's better to admit you are selfish than to pretend you are selfless.
Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I can't get cat-called/sexually harassed. I can speak from personal experience on this one.
The world needs a serious break from everything related to Star Wars and Disney.
Introverts secretly wish they were extroverts.
Cookies bought from the store taste better than homemade cookies.
The storyline is more important than graphics in video games.
What do you think?